chapter 6

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Clarke is completely passed out, snoring softly when she feels something wack her in the face, waking up suddenly she yelps and sits up quickly, her bangs are sticking to her forehead from sweat. She looks around the room for the source and sees a pillow that is now on her lap. She hears some snickers from across the room and looks over seeing a giddy lexa who is laughing and sticking her tounge out at clarke.

"W-what was that for?" Clarke says raising one eyebrow.

"Because silly, you took that picture of me sleeping and sent it to me, you better delete that. And it was also revenge for throwing a pillow at me last night." Lexa laughs and crawls off her bed and sits down next to Clarke on her bed. Lexa sees the hair sticking to clarkes forehead and brushes it away, "hey, sorry if I startled you Clarke."

"No, no it's okay. I deserved it." She blushes a little as she touches the part of her forehead Lexa had had her fingers just a few seconds before.

"Okay, well I also did something." She notices clarkes blushing and smiles before pulling her phone out. She opens her phone to her camera roll and shows Clarke a picture.

A high pitched giggle escapes lexas lips, causing Clarke to laugh while she grabs lexas phone clicking delete on the picture

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A high pitched giggle escapes lexas lips, causing Clarke to laugh while she grabs lexas phone clicking delete on the picture.

"Hey, meanie, oh well, I already saved the picture to my Google photos." She smiles "and don't think you can delete that one too, I have a password to my Google account." Lexa says grabbing her phone back from Clarke.

"Noooo, but I look so bad in that photo."

"No you don't, you look adorable." Lexa says, eyeing Clarke, a little too long for them being just friends.

"Adorable? I am not adorable." Clarke stomps her foot and hufs. "And please, delete the photo, pretty please."

"Didn't think I'd get you begging so easily." Lexa says with a smirk. "And yes, you are very adorable."

Clarke blushes hard and looks down at her lap, "ummm.. I don't know what to say."

Lexa bites her lip and sets her hand on clarkes thigh, "hey, it's okay, you don't have to say anything, sometimes words aren't needed."

Clarke just nods while looking at lexas hand on her thigh, causing her to blush even harder and she turns away so Lexa doesn't see.

Lexa tilts her head and hesitantly puts her hand under clarkes chin, gently, but stern enough to make her look her way. "Don't be shy princess." She looks into clarkes eyes, green meeting blue.

Clarke sqeukes softly, she'd been called princess before, but by Lexa it was different. She looks back down at her lap, a little embarrassed she had just squeaked. "Hey, look at me, wanheda." Clarke doesn't know what the word means but she looks up at lexa hearing the nickname.

"W-what does that mean?" Clarke stares into lexas beautiful deep green eyes.

"Well, it mea-" Lexa gets intrupepted midsentence when the door opens quickly. Clarke quickly pulls away from Lexa and puts her hands in her own lap.

"Hey, clarkie, you d-didn't answer any texts, we were getting worried." Raven shouts, looking drunk, she's tipsy and starts to fall. Octavia jumps in catching her. Raven obviously hadn't noticed what was going on between Lexa and Clarke, but Octavia had, she grabs Ravens hand, "come on, let's go rave." She looks at the two women, Clarke is looking at her lap again, and Lexa is looking at raven with an angry look on her face. "Hey, sorry, we're leaving now, didn't mean to interrupt anything." Octavia says as she drags a upset Raven out of the house.

"Nuurrr, I was talking to clarkie." Raven says before the door shuts.

Clarke looks at lexa, "I'm gonna go if that's okay?"

Lexa feels a pinging in her chest and she nods, "Yeah, that's okay, go ahead."

Clarkes about to say something but changes her mind, grabbing her bag and running out the door.

End of chapter, and wow, this is getting way more reads then I was expecting, thanks for reading. Next chapter will obtain the group chat btw

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