a strange new point of veiw Part 3

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IM BAAAAAAACCKKKK  you guys really seemed to like this so ya here we go!  OH and Speech (I'm bad you guys probs have memorized this by now!) 

Author (ME) or Emphasis       "out loud normal speech"       'Thoughts'     {Com link}    /Bumblebeeps lol/ 

ON with the SHOW or ummm WHAT EVER YOU WANT TO CALL IT! ( that has a nice ring to it!)

Jack, Raf and Miko stepped out of Bumblebee's room and headed  back to the main area

" SO guys i think Raf won" Jack said trying to push the depressed feeling out of the air " ya so what do we have to do again , Raf?" Miko Questioned 

"I forget...How about whatever Miko's was?" Raf answered half-heatedly , his mind was still on Bumblebee , Raf wondered what his life was like before and during the war. Him and Bee never really talked about that stuff usually it was , Raf and his Family or School stuff.   'i actually don't know that much about  Bee....'  Raf thought sadly to himself 

"Wait Miko's?!" Jack asked scared "but...But she's the queen of Dangerous and un responsible Actions!" Jack continued annoyed

"Awww you touch me with your kind words Jack!" Miko stated sarcastically with fake thankfulness "OK so mine huh?" she continued looking at Raf 

"ya, what was yours again?" Raf asked getting shaken from his thoughts 

"we find out what the relic dose!" Miko exclaimed happily while Raf and Jack looked at each other in fear 

" Tomorow! don't worry i will give you a chance to....better prepare yourself!" Miko said with a trouble making glnt in her eyes " so you guys wanna watch a movie?" she asked changing her tone to one of complete innocence

"You scare me sometimes, you know that?" Jack stated looking at Miko as they all sat down to watch a movie


"Good Morning Optimus" Ratchet greeted as he walked past prime on his way to get some energon

"good morning Ratchet" Optimus greeted back as he and Bulkhead got ready to head out on patrol  "me and Bulkhead will not be long" Optimus informed Ratchet as he and Bulkhead transformed and set off 

"Ugh were are those two slackers it's almost 10 they should be out of recharge by now!" Ratchet grumpily wondered aloud as the kids awoke

"Uh whats up Doc?" Miko asked as she stretched like a cat

"How many times must i tell you my name is not doc!" Ratchet snapped at Miko irritated 

"morning Ratchet" Raf said sitting up from his sleeping bag

"Good morning Raf" Ratchet said allot more gently than when he was talking to Miko " could you three wake Arcee and Bumblebee up , they should be out of recharge by now!" he asked walking to his console after finishing his energon

"Ya if we can... Bee's hard to wake up!" Miko said looking at Ratchet " got any tips" she asked 

" actually yes , with Arcee just yell Wake up loudly and with Bumblebee......Say a human or more specifically Raf is in trouble" Ratchet listed off not once looking away from the screen

"OK Lets go Guys." Jack said motioning to the hall way 

-Time skip to Arcee's room-

Jack, Miko and Raf stepped into Arcee's room spotting the navy bot asleep on her Berth , They all shared glances before walking up to her 

Miko took a deep breath the yelled at the top of her lungs " WAKE UP LAZY BOLTS" 

Arcee jumped and sat up on her berth blasters drawn at the door waiting for something to shoot

"yo Arcee down here it was Ratchets idea" Jack quickly added the last part as the blasters became pointed at him

"oh thank primus it's only you guys" Arcee said with a sigh of relief 

"Now we have t go wake up Bee" Miko stated as she walked out the door Raf , Jack and Arcee in tow " i'm coming, you may need expert advice" Arcee stated smugly 

" wait Expert advice?" Raf asked curious 

" yep i used to wake up Bee ALL the time" Arcee explained " no one else would, they were all too lazy" she finished as they stepped inside Bumblebee's room to find him in recharge 

"Wow his in pretty deep sleep, his been like this ever since he came to earth, he used to wake up at the very sound of footsteps stopping outside his door" Arcee Mused looking at the kids

"well here goes nothing" Jack said nervously " Miko do your thing" 

"ok let me think" she said looking deep in thought "oh OK i got it " she then took a deep breath and then yelled again at the top of her lungs "BUMBLEBEE COME QUICK RAF'S GETTING BEAT UP AT SCHOOL"  and with that everyone quickly stepped aside as the saw Bumblebee jump off his berth with a look of pure anger and take off down the hall beeping furiously / WHEN i get my hands on those fragging fragers i will Rip them in half and then run both half's over!!/  He was in full on sprint now.

Ratchet who was standing in the main room by the ground bridge had miraculously not heard all this and also seemed to miss the sound of Bumblebee sprinting into the main room 

"What on cybertron-" Ratchet Exclaimed as Bumblebee sprinted into the main room and the proceed to transform mid-run, and sped out of base beeping even more loud and furiously than before, this time Ratchet heard / Those Fraggers will be sorry they ever messed with Raf oh that is if they is still enough left of them to be sorry with ha-ha!/ 

"MIKO!" Ratchet yelled as the three kids and Arcee came running in " call him and tell him youre ok and to NOT  do the things he said" Ratchet told Raf Firmly 

Raf nodded and quickly dialed Bee's Com link {/Hello if that's you Ratchet no will not calm down and let Raf get beat up by some ....Some! ugh!/} Raf had to hold the phone away from his head { No Bee it's me i'm back at base!} Raf said quickly then there was silence on the other end " OH no i think he hung up on me thinking i was someone else!" Raf panicked

"Nope......Wait for it" Ratchet said, and so they all just stood there waiting in silence until the heard tires screeching and a very, very fast transformation noise followed by Raf being picked up with a startled yelp

/Raf are you OK? did you get hurt? who did it? WERE DO THEY LIVE!?/ was the frantic beeping Raf got as Bumblebee looked over him frantically watching for any bruises or injury's

"Bee.....I'm fine really calm down" Raf giggled

 Dun Dun Dun anther one bites the dust ya chaptah with 1151 words! YAAY well c u all later! bye oh before i go what story do you want next! post on my page or leave a comment! ok now bye

Thanks for putting up with me --TransformersprimeGal!

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