Humans and Bots Part 3 A Strange new point of veiw

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Hello again, it's me again (NO duh transformersprimegal ) anyways time for a new chapter of Humans and Bots * yes A round of qustion's is gonna be back...soon but i needed to get all these new ideas i had for humans and bots off my chest-plate if you know what i mean ;)* same Speech stats as always but i will tell ya anyways *I'm a little OCD about that* OK here we go with the stats!

"Out loud speaking"    /Bumblebee's Beeps/   'Thoughts'  and   this big bold text is the author talking! {com link}
Got it? Great! let's start (that part sounded like a really stupid little kid show like "Ya Got it? Awesome let's Go!!" i'm so sorry)

"This was the cause of the strange energy reading Ratchet picked up." Optimus explained to his team 

"But what is it?" asked Arcee some what concerned for her teams safety

"I believe it is a relic that the deceptions have unearthed." Optimus had never seen this relic before and had never read about it,  so this relic could in fact  be harmless or it could be a complete hazard and the logic in Optimus said to expect the ladder, and not the former.

"Optimus,was it really wise to bring it here, to base,what if the cons placed a tracker on it?" Ratchet worried 

" not likely Ratchet they fought to...desperately for it" Bulkhead informed Ratchet, it was obvious that the cons wanted it,badly, 'Maybe they knew what it dose'  Bulkhead pondered in his head.

"Hmm well bring it over so i can scan it" Ratchet directed Optimus , and gesturing towards med-bay "Maybe my scans will tell me what this "Relic" dose and how much power it really possesses" Ratchet thought aloud

~A couple minutes later~

"Optimus i think it's our turn to patrol" Bulkhead stated checking his internal clock

"Indeed it is, We will be back shortly" Optimus told the bot's 

"Wait,take me with you" Ratchet called after them "A drive might clear my head"

"Of course Ratchet, Arcee you're in charge" he told the navy blue femme

"OK Optimus have a good patrol" she yelled back as the three drove out of base leaving Arcee and the kids looking after them.

"SO" Miko was the first to break the silence"uh nice weather?" she asked a bit awkwardly

"Miko,it's raining" Jack stated

"Yea, i..i meant in Hawaii!" she quickly replied with a slight glare

"Actually Miko i just checked, and it's raining there too" Arcee stated Matter-Of-factly with a small smirk

"You guys are no fun!" she whined "Wheres bee he at least knows how to party!" she said doing a stroke on her invisible air guitar 

"Hmm i actually don't know where he is" Arcee said looking around the main room trying to locate the young scout

"Maybe he's in his room......doing....stuff" Raf suggested 

"Ya maybe let's go check" Arcee said as she gestured for the kids to follow her down the hall leading to Bumblebee's room

The kids quickly followed curiosity bubbling up inside them, wondering where Bumblebee was and what he was doing in his room or where ever he was, they walked down the hall way looking at all the big doors and pipes that decorated it , until they stopped outside of Bumblebee's room, the door was shut and it was quite.

 after a minute of silence and stillness Arcee knocked on the door, after she got no reply she opene the door and walked in the kids in tow 

As she looked around a small and gentle smile spread across her face as she saw Bumblebee's still sleeping form upon his berth every once in a while moving in his sleep.

'Oh primus he is SO CUTE!'  Arcee thought to herself ' I never thought a mech could be Cute in the sparkling way AND in a........Oh Heck Ya type of a way!'  Arcee was interrupted by Miko

"Should we wake him up in case something happens?" Miko asked

Arcee hated to admit it but Miko was right it would be best to wake him

"Ya we Probably should" Arcee said with a sigh and looking at Bumblebee a bit sadly 

"Ok leave that to me!" Miko said as she stepped forward a bit toward his berth

:"BEE! WAKE THE FRAG UP!" Miko shouted at the top of her lungs, but to her dismay Bumblebee didn't even flinch

"Dang it OK" She whispered to herself before shooting her head up to look at Bumblebee with a smirk

"YO BEE"  Miko yelled even louder than before " RAF IS GETTING TEASED ABOUT NOT TALKING LOUD ENOUGH IN CLASS!!!!!!!!!!" she added putting the emphasis on the word talking

Suddenly Bumblebee shot awake and fell off the bed on to his face and chestplates with a loud CLANG followed by a long beep that was his version of a moan in pain but then got up fast and shot out the door, the kids and Arcee quickly followed him to the main hanger just in time to see him transform so fast he was just a blurr (not to be cofused with the autobot blurr XD) of yellow and black  before he sped out of the base with the screeching of tires echoing off the walls

"WAIT! BEE COME BACK IM HERE IM FINE!" Raf yelled after him 

A second later Bumblebee drove in and transformed with a confused look on his face /Would you explain what just happened/ he beeped just as confused as his face

"Miko" Raf and Arcee said in unsion 

Yo Ma homies whats crakin?! no no JK JK another chapter YAAAAA!!!!!! i will update again soon but on another note THANK YOU ALL SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much  for alll the follows it makes me soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Happy that you guys really enjoy my storys!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA any ways enough of my Blabing C U soon! 

Thanks for putting up with me -- Transformersprimegal!

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