The Things We Did Last Night

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The following morning neither Arcee nor Bumblebee spoke of the night before. Arcee was actually quite surprised the blonde hadn't tried to bring it up yet, she was grateful, but confused.

While the kids got ready for school, Arcee found herself alone with Bumblebee in their room. He was looking around frantically, throwing blankets and sheets every which way, socks and other articles of clothing were carelessly chucked behind him. He was currently digging around in the small closet.

Arcee realized that she might not have another chance to talk to him in private for the whole day, so she calmly walked over and sat beside him on the carpeted floor.

"What exactly are you looking for?" She smirked when he jumped and gave her a startled look. He glared at her playfully.

"You wanna give me a spark attack, huh?" Bumblebee teased. Arcee just huffed out a laugh before she turned serious.

"Not intentionally. Hey, Uh about last night..." she trailed off nervously. Bumblebee went silent and sat back to look at her.

"You don't have to talk about it, Arce-" He was cut off by his friend who shook her head.

"No, why are you being so understanding? Your not trying to dig up any information on my...dreams?" Arcee gave him a confused look. "Why aren't you curious?" At the remark Bumblebee laughed dryly.

"Not curious? Of course I'm fragging curious, Cee. I just know that you probably don't want me snooping into business that ain't mine." He began, leaning back on his hands in a relaxed position. "I know what having a nightmare is like. It isn't something you talk about to just any ol' Joe." He explained calmly. His hoarse voice coming out mellow and pleasant.

"You're not just some ol' Joe though." Arcee mumbled. "I-I should tell comforted me." She looked at the blonde sadly. He simply shrugged nonchalantly.

"Really, it's perfectly fine Cee. I don't need to know about it." He glanced over at her and gave her a gentle smile.

"Honestly, If you want to tell me later that's great. If you feel uncomfortable, that's cool too." He moved the messy bangs out of his face before he spoke again. "Take your time. It's ultimately your life, your choice. Whatever makes you happy is fine"

"Really? You don't mind?" The blue haired woman's eyes widened as he simply nodded.

"Nah. It's your business." He replied before standing up and offering her a helping hand. She took it graciously and stood next to him.

"I-I...Thank you.. " she smiled shyly at him before hugging him suddenly. He stumbled back, eventually finding his footing. He stood with his arms out in surprise before he, somewhat awkwardly, hugged back lightly.

"Uh, no problem? Arcee there's no reason to thank me. I thought it was standard friendship operations." He joked. She laughed and pulled away from him. She glanced at him one more time before pushing him teasingly on the head and jogging out of the room.

"Alright. Now c'mon, we're going to be late!" She called back from down the hall. Bumblebee scoffed good naturedly before running out after her, completely forgetting about the other sock he had been looking for.

A/N: short sort of filler chapter. I wrote this while I was randomly wandering around the city....XD

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