Eyeliner And My Chemical Romance.

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It had been a long day of explaining on Optimus' part. He must've told the story ten times, yet, he didn't mind at all.

Perhaps it was the unbridled excitement, he saw shining in the eyes of his companions. Maybe it was the fact that everytime he had to restate a part of his tale, they never seemed annoyed; just eager to hear more.

It could be all that, or it could be the fact that Bumblebee stayed there, listening intently. Even after he'd explained it to the team, the kids, Mrs.  Darby- almost everyone- the Teen just stayed, Listening.

Honestly, Optimus found it strange. The fact that he could see the same fire for adventure and enthusiastic spirit; coming from a human. It wasn't that he thought Humans lacked such spirit, quite the contrary; he simply never thought he'd see his son's special brand of it, reflected in human eyes..

The Prime shook his head a little, as if to shake the thoughts away. He was getting sentimental..He had been all day actually. He had other more important things to be worrying about however. A cure to this... Situation being the most desperately needed.

He sighed, and looked down at his watch. It was currently two in the morning, an hour humans considered late. He should probably get to bed; June had been kind enough to offer him the couch, given all the rooms were taken. He didn't mind of course, she was nice enough to even let him stay at all.

The man stood up, and took another breath of air. Sometime during the evening he had decided to go outside, and think. The cool air was comforting, it's brisk temperature keeping his mind from dozing off, or lulling off to slumber.

The moon shone down on the path leading to the house, lighting the porch he was standing on. He gave the scenery another glance, before turning towards the house. He carefully opened the door, and slipped inside, closing it behind him. He glanced over at the dark living room, and was relieved to see it empty.

He didn't wish to be rude, but he was tired, and entertaining someone with conversation seemed draining at the moment. He took a step in the direction of the room- only to freeze when he heard a door open and close upstairs.

He turned his head, watching the darkness at the top of the stairs. His vision finally caught sight of blonde hair, after a minute of waiting. He immediately knew it was Bumblebee; but he had yet to discover his reason for being up.

The teen quietly snuck down the stairs, avoiding any squeaking spots. He made it to the bottom, and began padding across the landing, towards the door.

Optimus took some small amusement in seeing that the youngling still hadn't noticed him. He crossed his arms in silence, dark blue eyes tracking the boy as he passed.

Just as Bumblebee got to the door, Optimus cleared his throat.

"Where might you be headed, young one?"

Bumblebee jumped in suprise, a hand flying to his mouth, smothering a suprised squeak. He whipped around, and relaxed when he saw it was just Optimus.

"Wha- You scared the scra- uh, heck outta me- and I'm not... Heading anywhere, just... Uh.. testing the doorknob?" The blonde gave a small, nervous grin, and wiggled the doorknob. He then gave an enthusiastic thumbs up.

"All good! So uh, I'll just be going-" he began to dart back up the stairs but Optimus put a firm hand on his shoulder, stopping him.

It seemed the Prime's sleep would have to wait.

He sighs a little bit, and let's go of the scout's shoulder. He turns and gestures to the living room.

"We should talk..." He finally stated, walking into the living room.

Bumblebee frowned worriedly, he glanced up at the dark stairs. He could just book it, he'd probably make it to the end of the hallway before Optimus chased him. If he chased him at all. Then, he could get the window open, and climb-

What on earth, or Cybertron, was he thinking? Running away? From Optimus of all people?

The teen looked down, staring at his feet. He felt his hands clench into fists, and he let out a breath. He forced himself to look up, and follow his parent.

His stiff limbs carried him into the dark room, and quite clumsily dropped him into a seat. He felt his toes curl into the carpet, and he held in a small giggle.

He still found some sensations funny. He'd never had toes before! Theu were so... Useless, but useful at the same time. How crazy was that?

His mind was suddenly redirected to the current situation, and he looked up at Optimus, who was seated opposite to him. He brought his legs up, and hugged them to his chest before speaking.

"S-So... U-Uh...N-Nice night?" He managed to make his voice seem normal. The stuttering didn't help with that.

Bumblebee heard Optimus sigh, and readjust himself so he was leaning forward a little bit. The Prime's gaze was on him, and it felt like he could see straight into the teen's spark- heart- whatever it was.

Of course, that was ridiculous. Humans didn't have X-ray vision, or anything like that.. did they? Oh Primus, what if they did? What if the kids could see through walls and stuff? That could be super useful, but also... Uh, no Thanks. He liked his  privacy! What if they could be an alarm system though? They could see bad guy's coming! Unless the walls were lined with led.. he read somewhere that-

"Bumblebee? Are you listening?" Optimus' voice broke through his thoughts.

Aw shi- He quickly brushed his thoughts aside.

"Wha- uh... Yeah..?" He cleared his throat awkwardly, smiling anxiously. The older male simply sighed again.

"You've been... Off as of late. I was asking, if you have any concerns, or anything that I could help with." He told him, most likely for the second time.

Bumblebee made a small sound of denial, and waved a hand dismissively.

"Whaaat? No, nah, nope- eh-heh, uh, I'm all good.. nothing's wrong, just... Teen stuff! Y'know, eyeliner, bangs, My Chemical Romance and hoodies!" He laughed, an airy, shakey, sound that died off slowly.

Optimus stared at him for a moment. His face showing no signs of... Anything. His brows finally furrowed a pause later, and he tilted his head a little bit.

"Eyeliner...? And... Romantic Chemicals? Bumblebee, what are you referring to?" His voice still held it's usual firmness, but with a hint of confusion and concern.  Bumblebee groaned, smacking a hand to his face, and letting his legs drop to the floor again.

"No, no- My Chemical Romance is a band. Y'know, human music? It's usually synonymous with teenagers? Cause people think- nevermind. The point is; I'm fine." He sighs, and stands up, waving a hand nonchalantly again.

"You don't have to worry, I'm all good. Nothing is bugging me."

Bumblebee began walking to the door, and looked down as he passed the doorway.

"Nothing worth your time anyway..."

With that, he left, slipping up the stairs with his head hanging low.

Optimus frowned, and watched him leave. The Prime took a small, exasperated breath, looking up at the ceiling.

"Ratchet... Please tell me you're close to a solution..."

A/N: It's not the best, but it's an update~! Again, this story isn't dead! Just, on a slow burner.

Also, did someone call for Smokescreen? No? Well, he does what he wants, so he may be here soon anyway. XD

I can't remember if I've asked this before, but how many of you are hardcore BeeCee shippers? I'm asking, because I personally don't ship it as much as I once did, I see them more as siblings- or best friends.. BUT! If y'all ship it? I'll keep writing it that way. If you don't though, I have a way of ... "Un-Romacing" them lol

Thanks for putting up with me!

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