Chapter 36.

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Last chapter, oh myy. Still dunno If I should do a sequel, maybe I do. I love writing, but dunno if it's good and stuff, idk, I'll see.

Enjoy the last chapterr xx


Chapter 36.

Luke's POV.

A month. A month passed by and Hannah didn't wake up. I was still always by her side, but the boys, even Ashton, only showed up once a week. They gave up 2 weeks ago, but I still do believe in her. I do believe she's gonna wake up. My mother always told me to not give up on things, always stay positif. So I did. I sat here, in silence, her chest still raising up and down, the monitor still beeping, nothing changed. I still don't know if Alex and Aleisha had to do something with this, but I can't picture Aleisha hurting someone. Sure, she could slap or pick a fight with her, but hitting her with a car?

"Luke?" Ashton came in. "Are you coming back home? It's half past 11." I sighed. "Can you drop me off to my own place?" I asked. "You didn't been there since she's here, but sure. We'll pack your stuff and I drive you home." he said. "No, I only want to be home tonight." I said and he nod. I kissed her head, like always, grabbed my jacket and walked out with Ashton. 

"Mr Hemmings?" A doctor called. "Can I have your phone number? If something happen with Hannah, we can always call you." I nod, wrote my number down. I waved the doctor goodbye and we drove to my place. 

"Shall I stay the night?" I shook my head. "I'll call you tomorrow." I said and he nod. I slammed the door shut, grabbed Hannah's key and walked inside. It still looks the same, it smells the same. I walked in, and smiled at the thought off living here with her. I walked to our room, and it was like the last time I got here. I sat down and looked for the picture of us, but ofcourse, it was at Ashton's. I sighed and looked at the black bag standing in the corner of the room. I know it was old stuff from her parents. 

I sighed and looked around. I saw a note on her desk and I picked it up.

'Dear Luke,

You think this is from Hannah? No, it isn't. So when we said 'You'll see.' I couldn't wait to tell you. We did it. We followed Hannah, and when she crossed the road, we hit her. She wasn't in coma then, but we got out the car and kicked her in coma, called the ambulance and drove away. Why we did it? I like to tell you, but I don't, that a know for me and a find out for you.

Hope you enjoyed this note, oh wait, ofcourse not.


Those. Freaking. Assholes. I stood up and kicked in the wall, noticing the other hole in the wall. It was when she found out I was bullied. I didn't know she was that strong, but I wrong. I picked up my phone and called Ashton. "Whats up?" "I know who did this." "Did what?" "Who got Hannah in the hospital." "Who?" "Alex and Aleisha." 


"Wow wait, so she did this? I told you." Micheal said. "Yeah, but I didn't knew she would do something like this! I know she gets jealous, but crashed into some one on purpose?" I couldn't believe this. Maybe that's why she squeezed my hand that time.. "What's wrong?" "Well, I was in the hospital couple weeks ago, and I was talking to her, and when I mention some thing like, Aleisha and Alex did this, she squeezed my hand. She also did this when I told her I loved her." I said. "Maybe she can hear you? Maybe it was some signs." Calum said. "No really?" Micheal rolled his eyes. "I still need to figure it out."I sighed. 

We ended up watching tv and falling asleep. Me and Ashton on the couch and Micheal and Calum on the ground, hugging each other.

I woke up at the sound of my phone ringing. I glanced at the clock. Who would call me 3 in the morning? "Hello." "Hi, is this Mr Luke Hemmings?" The other voice called. "Yeah, that's me." "We have an emergency, Miss. Smith is included for a surgery, we wanted to inform you and ask you to come over right now. There is a change she wake up after the surgery and she may ask for you." My heart raced. "Sure, I-I'll be on the way." I hung up and waked up the guys. 

"What's wrong?" Calum asked. "We have to go to the hospital!" I said and grabbed my jacked. "Why? What happened?" "She's in a surgery and there may be a change she wake up and ask for me." I said. But what if she don't make it?

Ashton drove us to the hospital and I rushed inside. "Mr. Hemmings?" A doctor called me. "Where is she?" "Still in surgery, thanks that you could make it." he smiled. "How's she doing? Why is she in surgery?" "Well, there was something wrong, her heart began to race and now they're invastagating what went wrong."he explained. 

I sat there, in silent, waiting with the other boys. It was only 2 hours, but it felt like 2 years. Calum was already asleep and so was Micheal. "Do you want something to eat?" I shook my head. I'm not hungry, all I wanted was to see her eyes and hear her voice. "Something to drink?" I nod. "Yeah, sure." I was realy thursty. "I'll be right back." he smiled and walked away. I grabbed my phone and called my mom. "Luke! It's been a month since you last called me!" she said. "Hi mom." I said, just like the first time. "How's Hannah?" I sighed. "She's in surgery right now, there is a change she wake up after, so they called me to come right now." I sighed. "What time is it?" "5 AM." "When did you get there?" "2 hours ago." "She's going to be alright, call me when you know something." I said my goodbye and hung up.

"Here." Ashton handed me some soda and I took a sip of it. I stood up and began ice bearing, I don't know why. "Luke calm down." "I can't calm down!" I said. "This isn't fair!" I said and began to cry. "I know, but she'll make it." "I know, but if she don't, There is so much I didn't say...'


This is it. Or maybe not? I still don't know about the sequel, but I'll let you know..

So, this was the end and I hope you did like it.

If you want you can follow my fan acc: @MrsAllHemmingsx

Byeee xx Ashley

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