Chapter 11

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Chapter 11.

-Hannah's POV-

I woke up in a unfamiliar room. It was white and it smells like hospital. I opened my eyes to see where I was, and I sat on a chair, next to someone laying in this bed. I blinked sometimes and saw that this person was Luke. What the hell. I shook Luke, but there was no response. It was all still, only hearing the beeping sound of the heart monitor. 'Luke?' I whispered. 'Luke, please, wake up?' I said, a tear escaping my eye. But instead of waking up, I heard the heart monitor just beep. His heart stopped. I shook my head, now crying more. I run trough the hospital hallways, not seeing a doctor anywhere. 'Help!' I screamed. 'Please, is anyone here?' I screamed, tears rushing down my face. 

I startled awake and began to cry. 'Babe?' I heard a sleepy voice next to me. I looked at Luke and hugged him tightly. 'What's wrong?' he asked and I said nothing and just cry'd. 'Shh, babe, it's okay.' he said, hugging me and rubbing my back, I got calm, and looked up. 'I-I had a nightmare.' I whispered. 'About what?' 'You..' I said. 'Well, thank you?' he said and I let out a weak laugh. 'No, I mean, I woke up at a hospital and you were laying and you were so cold and th-then..-' I stuttered. I took a deep breath and keep talking. 'Then you died.. There were no doctors and I was so scared, Luke.' I said. He hugged me again and I buried my head in his bare chest. 'It's okay, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere.' he said. 'Do you want any ting? Water or something?' he asked. I nod and he got up and walked to his bathroom to fill a glass with water. He gave it to me and I took a sip, my hands all shaky. I took the glass from me and put it on his desk.

'Hannah?' he said after a while. I looked at him. 'I'm noticing this when you're bracelets are moving, but what are these?' he grabbed my wrist and pointed at the scars. I looked at them for a while and then back at Luke. 'Hannah?' I sighed. 'Did you..' 'Yes, Luke, I did..'I said and sighed. 'Why?' 'Because my parents died, my brother died, my sister left 10years ago and I got bullied and I couldn't take it any more, so when I got home from the news that my family died, I grabbed a knife and..' I stopped looking at Luke, who got tears in his eyes. 'I'm sorry.' I said, now softly crying. He wiped away my tears and looked at me. 'It's not your fault. And don't apologies.'he said. 'But, what do you mean, bullied?' he asked. 'I didn't had much friends, 3 exactly. I didn't talk to them since I left. But we never had the same schedule, so I was always alone in my classes. I had one class, math, where I sat next to some one, he was nice and all, but we weren't friends because, even if he was friends with me, he got bullied to, he had to keep up his 'image' and after that, he'll only be a jerk to me so yeah..'I said. 'But how? I mean, look at you.' he said. 'That's why I don't believe anyone who tells me I'm beautiful or perfect. Even when my mom said it.' I said. 'Look, no matter what you look like, even if you look like the monster of logness, I still like you as much I do now and I will always think you're perfect.' he said, pulling me in a hug. I smiled and lay back on my back. 'I'm tired.' 'Then, go to sleep baby. I'm here, it's okay.'he said, he hugged me and we fell asleep, our legs tangled and hugging eachother.


I woke up with the sun shine in Luke's room. I looked to my side, to see an empty spot and I got panicked. I sat up and breath heavily. What if there's something wrong? I stood up, but just fell on the ground, because my legs where to shaky. The door opened and I saw Luke coming in with a plate with food. He dropped it when he saw me, shaking and breathing heavy. 'Shit, babe, what's wrong?' he said, sitten next to me on the floor and he moved me on his lap. 'I-I..' I took a deep breath. 'I woke up and didn't saw you, so I panicked.' I said. 'I was getting you some food.' he said, and we looked at the plate on the ground. I was calmed down by now and chuckled. 'Sorry.' I said. 'It's okay, It was nothing big.' he said. 'Do I smell pancakes?' I asked and he nod. 'Yeah, I baked you some pancakes..' he said and I looked at the food again. 'And you said it wasn't that big?' I said. Luke stood up, helping me stand up. 'I have some in the kitchen. If we hurry now, Ben and Jack don't eat them all.' he said. I smiled and followed him downstairs, where Ben and Jack were eating the last pancakes. 'Who baked this? Was it you, Hannah?' Jack asked, finishing his pancake. 'Nope, it was Luke.' I said, pointing at the blond haired dude, who was staring at them. 'You just, ate the last pancakes, you shithead.' Luke said, hitting them on the head. 'Well, sorry, we didn't know it was yours.' they said, smirking. 'I hate you.' Luke said, walking to the kitchen. I followed him. 'It isn't a big deal.' I said. 'Yeah it is.' he said and he sighed. 'Well, get dressed then. I work at a restaurant who has breakfast from 9 till 11 AM, so hurry up, it's 10 now.' I said. We walked to his room, I changed myself in the clothes I grabbed last night and we walked to the restaurant.

'Hannah!' I heard a voice calling my name. 'Alex!'' I said and hugged him. "Alex, this is Luke. Luke, Alex.' I said. 'Hi.' they said. 'So, what would it be?'' he asked. ''I'll have the pancakes.''I said and glanced at Luke. "Yeah, me too.''he said. Alex nod and walked back to the kitchen. "When do you have to work?" "Tonight.'' I said. After 5 minutes, our pancakes were served and we began to eat. "This one are delicious.''Luke said. "Probably tastier then yours.'' I teased him and smirked.


I kissed Luke on the cheek and I drove to my work. 'Hannah, long timo no seen!' Alex walked to me and hugged me. "So, was that your boyfriend?" he asked. "No, he's not.. yet" I said. "Well, since h's not yet, you can get on a date with me, right?"he asked and I stopped with what I was doing and just looked at him. "I don't know." I said, washing the glasses again. 'Come on, Luke wouldn't mind, since he isn't your boyfriend." he said. No he isn't, but I do like him and don't want to 'cheat' before we even start something. "I'll just think about it, okay?" I said and he nod, walking away. 

It was 11 PM now, and I'm driving home carefully. I pulled over and saw Luke sitting by my frontdoor. "Luke?" I asked. He looked up and stood up, walking towards me. 'Hannah, hi.' he smiled. 'What are you doing here so late?' I asked. He took his arm behind his back, and there were 3 rose's in his hand. 'What's this?'I asked, looking at the 2 red rose's and one with one. 'Well, these two are for the months I know you.' he said. 'And the white one is a fake one, so it'll be forever. Just like us.' He said, handing me the rose's. I smiled and looked back at them. 'They're beautiful, Luke.' I said, smelling them. 'I want to ask you something.' he said. 'Hannah Amanda Smith, would you be my girlfriend, maybe?' he asked. My eyes widend, so did my smile. I nod and hugged him. 


I'm going to do one more update or I'll do one tomorrow xx

xx Ashley

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