3. Two Weeks to Date the Jerk

Start from the beginning

And now? Now, I was dating him.

The whole point of this thing was to uncover his secrets so I knew that I'd have to get used to spending time not just around him, but with him. Even so, did he have to be so infuriating?

Feeling the vibration of a text message I took my phone out and saw that Melissa had already texted me four times. I could tell that she was getting frantic, probably ready to call in the search dogs, and I quickly shot her a text asking her to meet me in the first floor women's bathroom once first period ended.

A few moments after the end of class bell rang, a winded Mel burst in, her face almost as furious as her voice.

"You dingbat, where were you?" Her tone was an accusation I didn't know how to reply to. Especially considering I hadn't actually told Melissa about my little date Noah plan, only because I knew full well that she would have killed me and most definitely not let me go through with it.

Then again, now she was going to kill me for not telling her. So, in either scenario I should have planned my funeral along with my dating Noah strategy.

"Um, okay, I need to tell you something but promise you won't be super mad at me." I chewed on my bottom lip as I spoke, my anxiety rearing its ugly head. "Like, you can be a little mad, but I'm already kinda freaked so I really need you to not drown me in a toilet. Considering how often they clean them, I don't even want to imagine how--"

"Sky, you're rambling. Which means I'm definitely gonna be super mad because you only do that when you've done something to be super mad about so just spit it out." Mel placed her hands on her hips, striking her typical I'm about to chew your ear off with my lesson pose.

Okay, just blurt it out, like ripping off a bandage. Inhale. Exhale.

"I asked out Noah Archer and now we're dating." Wow, there have never been words in my mouth that tasted more foul than the ones that had just come out of it.

I closed my eyes, expecting a torrent of fury to come spewing out of Melissa's mouth, but there was only silence. Only the sound of water falling from a broken bathroom sink.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Carefully prying open one eye, I looked at my best friend in trepidation. Her eyes were wide, mouth open, hands that had been previously firmly placed on her hips now limp at her sides. It seemed that Melissa was speechless.

Huh, that was new.

"Um, Mel?" I asked, carefully and as if she had been in a trance until that moment, she inhaled loudly.

"What?!" Her voice came out in a shrill scream and I jumped back. There we go. "How? When? Why? You hate that guy!" It seemed like her mind had been overloaded, unable to focus on a single question but demanding answers to all of them. "Not to mention the fact that you didn't tell me before you did it! How could you keep something like that from me? I feel betrayed, nay, stabbed in the back! Now I know how Caesar felt! Et tu, Brute?" There we go, her skills from drama class were coming into full swing as she waved her hands around, pacing all over the bathroom.

I opened my mouth to try to reply to at least one of her questions -- or were they accusations? -- but she wasn't done yet. Her face was red, cheeks puffy, eyes full of daggers she was ready to hurl right at me.

"Noah freaking Archer, Sky! You're dating Noah Archer?! Have you been hit on the head? Why would you date Noa--"

Her words were cut off as the door to the bathroom opened and two girls walked inside. They stopped, looked at us in confusion, looked at each other, and then walked back out.

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