Chapter 11 The Weak and the Strong

Start from the beginning

She gives me a mocking look. "That naivety will bring you to your knees. So don't count on my approval for you to court me anytime soon. And I thought you were actually brave, but I guess you're just stupid."

I'm caught off guard by such an insult. And I stare at her, wide-eyed. "Wh...what?"

"Hmph! As I previously said, you are just stupid if you think you'll have a chance against Tollen's forces. You couldn't even beat them when you were at the height of your power. What's going to change in this current period aside from you being weak and them being strong?"

"They had help before and-"

"And they'll destroy you again since they'll still have help. My goodness your even dumber than I thought."

I'm just too shocked to answer. I've never seen Sierra this angry before. Granted this is the second time I meet her. And another is the fact that I can't answer back. Sure she's mentally tearing me to pieces but I should at least have some form of rebuttal. However, my mind is just blank. I can't think of anything but her words. My eyes are glued to the ground as I just remain in silence.

Her mocking look turns to an angered smirk. "What's the matter? Has that naive mind of yours finally realized the truth?"

I just can't find any answer and every insult really hits me hard. My guards seem to have heard enough and look at Sierra with enraged faces. "Listen! You may be a princess but you don't insult Prince Leo in his own territory you little-"

I raise my hand for the guard to stop, and look at him with a sad smile. "It's okay, leave it."

The guard seems to be forcing himself to comply and finally obeys after giving a sharp breath. I give a nod of appreciation and turn to look at Sierra.

"I-if that's what you feel then... I can't stop you. But I hope you'll have a change of heart Princess. I...I hope you really do..." I walk past them a little hurriedly. A stinging feeling in my chest is felt as I go.

She just shrugs off my statement. "Ugh, finally come on let's go, I've had enough of nuisances for one day." she says as I overhear making the pain even worse. My guards follow me in silence but with sad and sympathetic looks.

The driver of the carriage, Reginald arrives and Sierra and her retinue soon ride away from the Lumieri Royal Palace and on the way back to Cistan.

Third POV

Sierra looks out her carriage and sighs deeply. She never really meant to be that enraged at Leo. She was just in a very bad mood because she discovered that there were talks that Tollen was planning to make an arranged marriage between her and Prince Hugh possible. This was the situation she desperately wanted to avoid and she was so angry about the situation and Leo was just forced to bear the brunt of her anger.

She frowns with regret for saying those words but she was thinking that perhaps it would wake Leo up from his fantasy of Lumiere gaining the power it once had. Perhaps, it was a bad deed that could result to something good.

"But...if they were to indeed strengthen Lumiere..."

She shakes her head from the possibility. It would take a true miracle to return a kingdom as weak as Lumiere back to its height in such a short time. And waiting is a luxury that she doesn't have. She takes one last look at the Lumieri Royal Palace and turns away, as her carriage, exits the city.

Leo's POV

I sit on the balcony staring at the sky. Maybe I shouldn't have asked... Tears stream down my face remembering her words. I know she'd be mad but I didn't know it'd be this bad. Maybe I shouldn't have asked her that question in the first place.

I give a deep sigh and wipe my tears I hear someone approaching.

"Hey little brother," Louise suddenly calls appearing from the door. "I heard you got rejected by Cistan's princess."

I give him a forced smile. "Yeah, but it was more of her destroying me rather than rejecting."

He pats my head. "Don't worry, maybe there's someone else out there."

Tears stream down again and I hug my brother for comfort and he hugs me back. The feeling that even though we're no longer kids but are still this close just gives me a happy feeling deep inside.

"Now now little brother it's okay, shhh, it's okay," he says trying to soothe me and caresses my head. "Who knows, maybe when we're stronger you can ask her again and maybe she'll accept."

"You think so big brother?" I say as I  look up at him.

"Yeah, probably." He shrugs, "I mean it's possible. Still though, I guess deep down you're still a kid, with some adulthood trying to emerge," he says laughing.

I respond with a genuine smile and punch his sides. "Of course brother, I'm only thirteen. What do you expect?"

"I would expect my little brother to still play with swords and messing around instead of looking at women... nevermind, I know your personality. You were definitely thinking, Oh she's so beautiful. I wanna marry her. Oh her long golden hair oh my, mwah mwah." My brother starts making kissing sounds and I punch him playfully and we both laugh.

"Still though, who knew you'd fall for someone before I do." He tells me with playful jealousy.

"What about Talia big brother? She's pretty, right?" I ask.

"Yeah but her serious expression kinda scares me and it seems Captain Robert has his eye for her," he laughs for a moment and stops. "And I'm a little creeped out by her mother," he says and suddenly shivers in fear.

I chuckle. "Yeah, you and me both."
We both laugh as we enter the castle and I return to my room feeling a little better than earlier. As I enter, I once again remember Sierra's words.

I take a deep breath and give a determined face.

My mind is made up, I'm gonna make sure my brother makes Lumiere powerful again and I'll show her. Let's see what face she'll make once my brother and I make our dreams a reality...

With those thoughts in mind, I sleep well that night as we will prepare for my brother's coronation in three days. And by then, our return to prestige and power, will finally begin.

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