🍂Chapter 14🍂

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           Aza's POV

" Back home finally" I said as I came out of the the plane heading to where our drive was waiting for us .

" I missed this environment so much" Aidan said as we sat in the car .

" Welcome back home sir and ma'am" the driver said while we smiled back at him
The drive home was quite in a comfortable silent till we arrived. The maids came and took our luggages in while we trailed behind them .But it was another mansion entirely. Why did he brought us here and all our maids are here too.

" Aidan why aren't we going home immediately I'm tired and I need some rest and you know our families are coming over tomorrow so there's a lot to do" I reasoned

" We have maids to do all the works wifey after all this is our new home " he said and smiled at me . The house is much more beautiful than the former house including the interior design and everything again, it's bigger than the other one but..

" What happened to the former house I like it there " I said and pouted

" No wifey we are never going back there again okay, that house has bad memories of us and I want us to leave it behind to create new ones " he replied. I don't know but I believe he still feels guilty about what he did to me in the past .

" But I told you I already forgave you Aidan"

" Yeah you do but you will remember it each time you see any memory of it Aza , don't refuse us staying in this house pretty please" he said holding my cheeks while I sigh

" Fine let's  go in already you will shoe me around later but for now , I badly needs a cold shower and sleep" I said touching my stomach

" Yes baby girl mummy needs rest okay don't kick to trouble her" Aidan said as he put his head on my protruding belly while I smack him

" Shut up Aidan I have told you several times that the baby will turn out to be a boy "

" I want a princess wifey thou we will welcome anyone that comes " he said and picked me up taking me inside ..
💃What more can I ask for ?

"My my ! Aza is pregnant, mum come Down and see I'm gonna be an aunt " Lily yelled and began dancing immediately he saw me without even a greeting me ..

" Lily will you stop being silly? You are making me shy " I said stopping her from dancing.

" Welcome hunny " mum said and hugged me

" Thanks mum" I said and sat down while Lily gave me a drink

" Aza how ? You didn't tell me you were pregnant, wait were you pregnant before you left for the honeymoon?" She questioned eagerly which I'm not gonna answer.

"Mum !"

" What ? I'm just asking my daughter to know when she will be due for delivery. Anyways what will you like to eat ? I will personally prepare it for you because I want my grandchild to stay healthy" on hearing that my face brighten up ,  you can say I love eating food this days in fact food is my second name ..

" Mum I want to eat peanut butter and jelly particular the ice and pie " I requested while she chuckled before standing up

" It will be done in an hour just stay still okay " she said while I nodded before she left . .

" Sis I want every single details about what happened back there in San Francisco" she said , well yeah . She's my sister my best friend. I do tell her everything that happen in my life but not until I got married 😋.

"You are still small to know that Lily " I replied and ruffled her hair .

" I have told you to stop ruffling my head  and I'm not a kid anymore sis I'm freaking gonna be 15" she said while I laughed

" You are still my kid sister baby girl "

" But I'm gonna be an aunt soon so you want to tell your child I'm a kid ?" She said in a sober mood

" The very reason why I said you are a kid Lily the sudden Change of mood now " I said laughing, she left into her room I guess in anger 😂. That's how I do annoy her but she's my sister, you will see us talking in the next minute .

"Mum where's dad I haven't seen him since I came in here " I said after I finished eating, I miss my mum's cooking so much. She's the best cook I've ever came across

" He's still at work , did you enjoy the meal" she asked

" Yes mum to the bone marrow " I said dramatically while she laughed heartily

" Aza I was thinking you should stay with us till you deliver, I want to take a very good care of you and the baby please"

" But mum I think it's when I'm 8months gone that I will come here to deliver as my first child " I asked with a frown , I would definitely want to stay here but what of Aidan .

" Yes hunny I know but I want you with me please darling"

" Aidan won't let me mum "

" I don't have a problem with that mum she can stay "

Aidan's POV
" I don't have a problem with that mum she can stay " I said taking all of the by surprise. Well I over heard their discussion as I was heading in

" Aidan ?" Aza called

" Yes wifey " I said and winked at her

" Good afternoon mum " I greeted and hugged her

" How are you my son"

" I'm fine and mum "

" So Aza can stay till she delivers?" She asked

" Yes mum if you wish , I will come visiting timely " I smiled

" Thank you son " she beamed and hugged me again ..

Oh my! I'm as free as the air from Aza's night trouble.
I'm very glad jeez! I'm sure it will take us years before she gets pregnant again or else I should be the one to carry the pregnancy instead 😂





Peace Out 💕

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