12 | illicit affairs

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"Good. But you're about to."

"Wha–" His lips fall into a line, lips pursing as he blows air out his nose – a sound defeat crossed with a silent laugh . "Of course."

Avery is not as modest in letting her cackle out, the now battered cone cliched in her hand as she watches the ice cream trickle down his face from here she pressed it to the tip of his nose upon stealing it away from him.

His lips quirk up in a faint smile, amusement lingering in his features as he sighs. "Happy now?"

Reaching up on her toes, she brushes her lips to the tip of his nose in a peck before wiping the ice cream away with her thumb, lips twisting into a small smile. "Very."

"Whoa. In broad daylight?" He teases as her fingers linger with a light touch on his jaw. "Who are you and what did you do to Waters?"

With a slow shake of her head she beams with another smile, dropping her hand to her side. "I shouldn't have wasted the ice cream on your face. I'm sorry," She takes a step back to put some space between them, the warmth radiating off of her body. "Call it even?"

"I'm sorry I called you an out-of-towner."

"Good, you should be."

He throws his head back in a laugh and knowing she brought it out of him has her own lips crack a grin as she takes another step back, lifting what's barely more than cone between them.

"I believe this one is yours."

He takes it off of her hand as they fall into step alongside each other again. "I believe you're right."

              As they pass by the public library, she motions for them to cross the street, leading them into the town's largest park. Not bothering to whirl their way further into the square of greenery, they walk along the graveled trail running along the West side of the park. The shade of the trees lining the pathway cast a nice breeze in the warm summer day and as they eventually exit the park to return to the sidewalk Avery squints as she's once again hit by the blinding sun.

"Can't believe I forgot my sunglasses."

"Yeah, that was really dumb of you," Ethan agrees solemnly and her lips pull back in a smile as she rolls her eyes. He slides his sunglasses – black Ray-Ban Wayfarers – out of the pockets of his shorts. "Here."

"That's an awfully friendly gesture."

Heaving an over exaggerated sigh he shoves them into her palm. "Trust me, I haven't forgotten we aren't friends. Just take them."

"Are you sure?" She asks, slanting her head to the side as she regards him and as he shoots her a pointed look she shrugs. Folding the glasses out, she puts them on and a small laugh escapes her lips as they slide down half the brim of her nose, a bit too big to fit.

"See? They look much better on you anyways."

Her cheeks tighten, flushing with warmth as she flashes him a smile. Nudging him in the side, she motions for him to cross yet another street. They pass by a few outdoor seatings, the pizzeria with it's checkered table clothed tables being the last in the row before criss crossing between another set of streets, their feet taking them another block.

He stretches his fingers out in front of him, regarding them. "Gee, that was one sticky ice cream."

"And here I thought you were the cone holding expert."

"Yeah, well if you hadn't been holding it wrong in the first place I wouldn't have had to deal with the damaged goods."

"Yeah yeah, whatever. You're always right," She purses her lips before letting them twist into a faint smirk. "Was that enough to soothe your fragile ego?"

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