↧⫮Shiratorizawa's Kingdom⫮↥

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"Let's go." Kiyoko looked to her right and there I stand.

"Mhm." You grinned.

"Y-Y/N how are you not scared? I mean, you're brave and all but this is your first ever WAR in your WHOLE entire LIFE!" Hinata opened his hands wide.

"Why I'm not scared? Well because I'm ready to die." Your voice is dull.

Suga and Daichi looked at each other. Daichi nodded to let Suga take care of you.

"NEGATIVITY, BEGONE!!" Suga hits your stomach.

"O-oww!! Sugaaaa!!" You chuckled.

"Want some milk?" Kageyama offers you a milk.

"Thanks, Tobio." You smiled slightly

"H-here's a strawberry shortcake." Tsukishima shove the shortcake in front of you.

"W-wow, Tsuki! I don't know you're going to do THIS FAR!" You widened your eyes.

"Tsk." Tsukishima looks away.

You chuckled as you enjoy the foods. There's a pair of eyes that keeps watching you that is Ushijima. He feels there's something awkward in his heart. His heart beat got faster until to the point he looks away from you.

'Is this... jealousy?' Ushijima thinks.

You left behind because of something you need to do. They didn't know what you're going to do but they know that it's going to be something useful.

You see their carriage walks away and it's gone from your sight. You feel relieved and you start to go to the Mystery Forest. You walk in and starts to sing a song.

'Hope this wakes you up.'

There's fogs everywhere. You starts to hear the trees rhyme with the note. You're sure that the guards in this Forest are awake. The crickets starts to stop chirping and the ants starts to hide. You smiled to your self and look up from the fog.

"Rise and shine, Takeo~" You greets.

"Rise and shine, Takeo~" You greets

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"Legend." His low voice start to clear the fog away.

"Takeo! I need your he-" You stopped as you see Yatagarasu, Kyo, Ryo, Tatsuki, Satsuki, Akatsuki, Haruki, Raiden, and Yūto.

"We're ready to fight with you, L." Takeo said. The ants and birds starts to run away from his loud, deep voice.

"You're friendly as ever, Takeo-Kun~" You teased him.

He growls lowly but stops as he sees you giggling from down there. He shrunked down to Kyo and Ryo's height. Kyo and Ryo bows to Takeo as the others followed them.

"Thank you for the compliment." Takeo stand next to you.

"Ah... It's been so long since I ride you." You grinned.

"Just like kids." Takeo answer.

The others agree. 

(The Mystical Creatures are young in this flashback)
You met Kyo and Ryo in some new forest that you just sneak in. The first action that they think of you are "This human is not dangerous.". They saw you as your friends. You were just 6 back then.

 Now it's time for the quadruplet, Tatsuki, Satsuki, Akatsuki, Haruki. They met you when they got caught attacking one of the people in your kingdom. By the look at their eyes they're being cast under a spell. When they got put in some sort of cage you start whispering a magic spell and the cage are open. They jumped around happily and starts to lick you around your face. You giggled at their actions. (It's 6 days after you met Kyo and Ryo.) 

Raiden, and Yūto, the 2nd hardest. They're fighting in a cave where you're experiencing some new magic spell from Yatagarasu's book spell (After you have Yatagarasu for half a year.). You accidently hit Yūto's wings and he winched in pain. Raiden as his enemy, surprisingly, feels worried and starts to whine. You starts to run towards their place and heal Yūto. When you heal him, Raiden have that begging look to take him and Yūto with you. You always think that they only need help but NO. You have that powerful Legend aura around you. 

Now the first time you met your loyal friend, Yatagarasu, is when you're 4, on your 1st time escaping without your sister. You starts to walk far away and get lost. You cry in sort of green field. Then a small griffin who can fit your bare hand palm starts to fly around in front of you. Showing some tricks, spit out a black fire, and turn into some sort of things. You stop crying and at that time that griffin fall down. You catch him and put him on your palm. He's so small, so cute and you can't handle the cuteness. You make a little blanket made out of grass and put it on top of him. He woke up and starts sitting on your elbow. You put him down but he keeps coming back, so you let him and bring him home. 

And now the last but not least, the great and mighty, Takeo. You met him when you're  5 years old. You wondered what's underneath that Mystic Forest. As your pure mind starts to wondering you walk in. Then, a bright fireflies start to showed a way towards a FOGGY PLACE. As the small mind kid you are, You starts to sit down and enjoy the breeze. A wolf shows up and you jumped. But you smiled at him and go to him. His eyes widened and he shrinks him self. He still towers you but you didn't feel scared. And at that moment, Takeo feels a connection with you.

You chuckled at your flashback stories and look at them. 

"Yatagarasu-San, you know what to do." You smirked as he nod his head.

A few hours has past and you didn't show up at the Shiratorizawa's Kingdom. Everyone starts to panic but keep it low. Then, a wind starts to blow in the Shiratorizawa's Castle.

"I'm here!~" You smiled.

"Wow, a dramatic entrance!" Tanaka and Nishinoya jumped up and down.

"You guys are a simp you know that right-" You looked at them.

"Welcome to the Kingdom, Y/N." Ushijima bow down.

"Thank you, Waka-Kun." You smiled as he smiled slightly.

"Did you see that?!?! Wakatoshi-Kun just SMILE! I REPEAT SMILE!!" Tendou whispered to the rest of the guards. Everyone nodded their heads but you stare at them and they starts to do what they do.

"I'm sorry for their attitude." Ushijima said.

"No no... It's ok. They'll have more training." You smirked while looking at them. They sweat dropped and starts to look away.

"I'll leave them to you." Ushijima announced.

"Mhm, ok." You hummed.

"Come on guys! We're going to train you all starts from today!" You shouted.

You guys go to the Training room and starts to train yourself to get stronger.


'Where's the creatures?'

'You'll see.'

<End Of Chapter>

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