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You woke up and starts to get ready. Your eyes is filled with determination as you bring your sword. The rest didn't know that you bring secret weapons. No that's not right... Ah! Yes. Secret creatures with you. You run down stairs and starts to go to the guards. There are more than a 100 guards inside the room as they ride their horse and wait for your instructions.


They show their swords up in the air screaming so powerful.


After you tell them your long speech. Bla, Bla, Bla it doesn't matter for you. But, you know that the guards need some powerful words for this war. Because their enemy is Aoba Johsai! You have some leak that Seijoh will not bring any help. 

"SHINZO WO SASAGEYO!" You yelled with excitement.

The guards courage now is boosting up when you give them those elegant speech. 

You starts to lead them outside and prepare the canons, swords, arrows, big catapult, shields, and so much more.

Then, you starts to feel a presence on your both side. You see Ushijima and Kiyoko all gear up and holding a sword.

"Nee-Chan? I didn't know you can use sword!" You widened your eyes.

"Don't forget I have the fighting skill!" Kiyoko chuckled but her hands are shaking.

You recognized that your sister's hands are shaking.

"This is your first ever war in a battle field?" You tilt your head.

Kiyoko nodded her head. You sighed but feel happy at the same time.

"So, Waka-Kun. You ready?" You smirked.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Ushijima said with a stoic face.

 The guards open the gate and you got greet by a pair of guards. The soldiers starts to attack as you attack them back to. You saw Oikawa and Iwaizumi in the back, smirking and you hate that smirk so bad. The horses starts to neigh as they got injured by the swords of the enemies. The enemies fail to react to your attacks. Your sword place precise cuts into their armored bodies, spilling their blood in the lands. Your blood lust starts to show as you smiled like a psychopath feeling the blood splash around you. More come to join their death because you splash them with satisfaction. Arrows through the air and the hissing sounds of swords are everywhere. Fighting through the pain, a thousands more bodies lay down on the ground, lifeless. They never retreat, neither do you. Limping and growling, you continue to cut them down like a farmer in harvest season.

You doesn't realize that Ushijima and Kiyoko starts to feel worried about your blood satisfaction as you smiled excitedly because your blood of enemy starts to disappear one by one.

Oikawa realize about your satisfaction as he called thousand of guards behind him as he smirked directly to you. Your sword starts to go blunt as you panicked a little. But oh no, you smiled slightly to yourself. 

You closed your eyes and there is a lot of fogs around the battle ground. The enemy's guards already get used to fog so they can still fight like normal. Then, the fogs starts to go darker and darker.

Howls and growls starts to show and the enemy's guards starts to panic a little. Then there it is, a huge wolf appear out of nowhere in the fog and a few of the mystical creatures starts to attack slowly in the fog. Slowly, the fog disappear as the mystical creatures still appears.

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