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"Am I late?" You said while wearing your normal black dress.

Kiyoko looks at you and smile.

"Yes, there'll be a lot of hunters this year. YOU can't join this tradition, Y/n." Kiyoko looked at you with worried eyes.

"Onee-Chan! That's unfair! I've been trained my whole life to join this tradition!" You stand up.

"Y/n! I know you are strong, but we can't take the risk to hurt you!" Kiyoko said.

"...What challenge will they suggest?" Y/n asked while sitting back down.

"Archery." Kiyoko said.

"A-archery?! Onee-Chan, you already know that's my favourite." You said while looking down.

"Fine you can join after they ALL done." Kiyoko smiled.

"YES!!" You exclaimed.

"Oh, by the way, where's Ushijima and the others?" Kiyoko asked.

"We're here, Kiyoko." Daichi said from a far distance. There's Karasuno's guards and Shiratorizawa's guards behind his back.

"And where's Ushiji-" Kiyoko stopped when Ushijima appears next to her.

"I'm here." Ushijima said.

"We're sorry to include you guys to our tradition. Since we'll go to Shiratorizawa's Kingdom tomorrow. And if you guys don't know what is our tradition, it's where hunters from other kingdoms will suggest a challenge. The winner will get a golden prize. The golden prize is money from other kingdoms." Kiyoko explained.

"I wonder if those guys will come." You mumble.

You all walked in a huge balcony where the hunters have gathered.

"Tetsu-Kun! Kou-Kun! Iwa-Kun!" You hugged them.

"Ey! Y/n-Chan!!" Kuroo and Bokuto ruffled your hair.

"Y/n." Iwaizumi smiled.

"You all need to beat me if you want the golden prize~" Y/n smiled demonically.

Bokuto gulped as Kuroo shivers.

"I'm just a girl." You skipped away and stand up next to your sister.

"Nice way to scare the Hunters, Y/n." Kiyoko sighed.

"I know right!" You said sarcastically.

'She'll join?' Ushijima thinks.

"Yatagarasu-San, you already know what to do." You looked up.

Yatagarasu nod his head. And transform into a bow and arrows.

"As always, Yatagarasu makes an action!" Kuroo smirked.

"Argh, I forgot how annoying you two are." Y/n groaned.

"Ouch, that hurt, bro..." Bokuto frowned.

"Yeah yeah." You move your eyes next to Bokuto and Kuroo and there's a lot more hunters that'll join the challenge.

There's a lot of whisper about who are you, but you just shrugged it off and sit next to Kiyoko.

"I'm excited!" You grinned.

Ushijima sits next to Kiyoko as he looks at the Hunters preparing their weapons.


It has been 3 challenges and now the last one, ARCHERY. The only Hunters that survive are Kuroo, Bokuto, and Iwaizumi. Not so shocking because they always win. But this time, No one in 3 of them will win.

"AND NOW THE LAST CHALLENGE, ARCHERY!" Narita yelled while Kinoshita and Ennoshita blows the trumpets.

"I think I should get ready." You whispered to your sister. Your sister nod as an agreement and you stand up from your seats.

You grab your weapon and change your outfit. You smiled as you look at your mirror. You tie your hair up and starts running down the stairs. A lot of people are surrounding the battle ground and you need to slip through those peoples. You groaned because you get squeezed but you got an idea. You climb a huge tree and grab a rope. You make the rope steady as you swing it. After you swing yourself, you jumped and you're free from those peoples. You go to Kinoshita and sit next to him.

"What are you doing here?" Narita whisper.

"Joining the challenge." You whispered back.

"It's about time." Narita smiled.

You hummed as you see Kuroo, Bokuto, and Iwaizumi preparing for the last challenge.

Kuroo starts first. He prepares his bow and arrow, he takes a deep breath and shoots the arrow. He got the 6 ring in the Bullseye. He groaned but atleast he does his best.

You chuckled at his acts and now it Bokuto's turn.

He smiled confidently as he takes a deep breath and has faith in his self. He shoots the arrow and it hits the 7 ring in the Bullseye. He smirked victory at Kuroo. Kuroo pouts playfully. You're guessing that they do a bet.

Now this is the serious play. Iwaizumi from Aoba Johsai. The very trusted right-hand man and body guard. He's a real deal and hard to face. But for you, he's just a plant that still little and small.

Iwaizumi have a burning passion around him. He takes a very VERY deep breath and aim the arrow to the Bullseye. He got the 10 ring in the Bullseye. Everyone cheers for him as he smiled proudly. But, it got cut by you walk in to the battle ground. Everyone whispered and looked at you.

"I'm just a girl. That tries to win this challenge." You smiled. Everyone starts to say there's no way a girl can win this challenge. You smirked at their talks as you get ready to aim the Bullseye.

You start to walk towards those 3 Bullseyes and HIT THE 10 INNER RING! Everyone widened their eyes and silent filled the place.

"I win~" You grinned. Surprisingly, everyone cheers to you as you look at your sister. Kiyoko smiled proudly. You're so happy and jumps around. You shake Kuroo, Bokuto, and Iwaizumi's hands. You compliment them on how cool they are when they prepare to shoot their arrows.


Everyone goes back home and the tradition are finished. You smiled proudly and your sister hugs you. You looked at Ushijima and he bowed as a congratulations. The Shiratorizawa's guards cheer for you and compliment on how cool you were. Karasuno's guards got jealous and starts to compliment you more.

<End Of Chapter>

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