Hero Names & Internships

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Author's Key:



Communicator or phone

All Might Buff


Izuku and Ochako were on their way to U.A. High and it was raining. They were talking side by side with their own umbrellas.

Izuku: it's raining.

Iida came by running towards them.

Iida: Good Morning Midoriya, Uraraka!

Ochako: Iida?

Izuku: Wearing a poncho and rain boots?

Iida: Why are you both walking slowly? You are going to be late.

Izuku: Late? There are still five minutes until the first bell.

Ochako: Yeah.

They both start running with him as well.

Iida: U.A. students should always arrive ten minutes early!

Iida runs faster and leaves Izuku and Ochako in the dust confusing Izuku and Ochako. They reach their locker room.

Izuku: Iida, um-

Iida: It's about my brother, there is no need to worry. I apologise for worrying you needlessly.

In the class:

Izuku and Ochako were sitting silently, listening to the conversations.

Mina: It's different when they broadcast the matches on TV after all, huh? So many people talked to me on the way here!

Kirishima: Yeah, me too!

Hagakure: People were staring at me too. It was kind of embarrassing!

Ojiro: Isn't that normal for you, Hagarkure?

Sero: I had some elementary schoolers suddenly tell me "Don't worry about it."

Tsu: Don't worry about it.

Kaminari: After just one day, we've suddenly been thrust into the spotlight, huh?

Shoto: Don't let it get in your head kaminari. We are supposed to be heroes, not celebrities. We have to save people. That's the utmost priority.

Kaminari: Yes. Of course.

Aizawa opens the door and enter's in the class.

Aizawa: Morning.

Class: Good Morning.

Aizawa: We are having a special hero informatics class today. 

Class: 'Here it is!'

Kaminari: 'I hope it is not a quiz'.

Kirishima: 'I am bad at laws relating to heroes and stuff like that.'

Aizawa: Code names. You will be coming up with hero names.

Class: We're gonna do something exciting!

Aizawa uses his quirk and the class goes silent.

Aizawa: This is related to the pro hero draft picks that I mentioned the other day. The drafts begin in earnest in the second and third years, after students have gained experience and can become immediate assets to the pros. In other words, for them to extend offers to first years like you shows that they are interested in your future potential. These offers are often cancelled if that interest dies down by graduation.

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