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Author's Key:


Bakugo: 'Me, an extra! Impossible. The author must be blind'

All Might Buff



The Next Morning.

Izuku is on his way to Ochako's home and is currently thinking about the degraded gates at U.A. 

Izuku: 'Were the reporters the ones who decayed the gates. Surely they wouldn't go to these lengths for a scoop. There might be a villain who wanted information from U.A. and wanted to distract the teachers and sneaked in to find information or this was a declaration of war and a warning to the Heroes.'

During these thoughts, he reached Ochako's House. He knocked on the door which was opened by Sachiko.

Sachiko: Oh! Good Morning Izuku.

Izuku: Good morning Sachiko. How are you doing?

Sachiko: I am doing fine. How are things in school?

Izuku: Well it's great. But recent the doors were decayed and the media came into the school grounds which caused a panic in the lunch hall.

Sachiko: My, reporters these days.

Izuku: 'I can't let her know about my suspicions about it.' Yeah.

Ochako comes down.

Izuku: Good morning Ocha.

Ochako: Good morning Izu.

Izuku: You ready.

Ochako: Yeah, let's go.

Sachiko: Take care.

Izuku&Ochako: Okay

They leave Ochako's house.

Izuku: We should go and see power loader today I want to add something to our suits. I wanted to ask you about your opinion on it.

Ochako: What is it.

Izuku: I was thinking about some flashbangs and stun grenades.

Ochako: Hum. They might be useful against a more powerful foe than yourself. That's what you thought right.

Izuku: Yeah.

Ochako: Well let's go see power loader then.

They reach the school and enter the support department

They reach the school and enter the support department

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Izuku: Hey power loader, can we come in.

P.l: Sure what do you want kids.

Ochako: Do you have some flashbangs and some smoke bombs.

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