Switched by Mega

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" Sup, the names Oliver, Oli, for short and I'm gonna be telling you my story. I should probably start from the beginning I guess, by the way, this is my least favorite part but here ya go I guess. It all started
on my 15th birthday on September 21, 2018, this was the day I told my parents that their daughter was now their son, yup, you guessed it, I'm trans and this is me telling my parents, here I go. Mom, Dad, I've gotta tell you guys something, I'm trans."
    "GET OUT! Get out, get out, get out, I don't want any "insert derogatory name here"in my house. Yelled my father.
"Ẅe didn't raise out precious daughter to be a "insert derogatory name here"
We raised you to be a nice christian girl, Go pack your bags and GET OUT!" Exclaimed my mother.
    "Yeah that's actually the last thing I heard from them that day, they even took the time to change the keys so I couldn't even get my stuff. The only things I had with me were my backpack, phone, phone charger, 20 dollars, and the clothes on my back. Ahhhhh, gotta love that the two people who are suppose to love you unconditinaly, just do something so stupid and heatless.
    "I'm just happy that I've at least got my marching band family,I know that they would never react that way, in fact they even started calling me by my preferred name Oli and Oliver, and I love them sooooooo much. We always text when we aren't together. They even defend me when people call me derogatory names like this one time when I was minding my business and someone just walked up to me and called me a "insert derogatory name here", I mean who does that. I was done after that but each time that happened, they seemed to get bigger and stronger. The monsters, they, they try to take me over everyday since I was a kid. They seemed to be everywhere I went, I do try my best to fight them off but I do admit it gets a little tiring.
    "Anyways that's enough about the bad parts about the monsters, let's talk about the good they do. Number one... Nothin', I've got nothin', all they do is tear you down piece by piece until you break and well...After that they just take over and then only the clock knows how long you've got left my friend. Harry, my best friend usually also helps me fight them off, he's also the only other person than me that actually knows about them. I can see that they're starting to affect him too, it really makes me feel bad though. I just don't want to put him through that, he shouldn't have to know what it feels like, it's just draining."

    " Harry told me to make a tiktok because he said it might help me deal with "them." He told me that it was supposedly the new vine, ha like anything could ever replace that. I made this tik tok thing to help me with my monster but honestly it's just as toxic, or maybe even more toxic that the real world and it's not helping'."
    "Ever since I made that tik tok thing the monsters had become more powerful and there are now even more than there was before. I, I just don't want to do this anymore. I'M DONE!!!!!"

As the monsters took over Oli's body and mind Oli just had to sit there, hopeless, mindless, knowing he couldn't do anything. What else could he do, get help.

    "Hey, I'm Harry, I'm Oli's best friend I guess. I'm pretty sure Oli is not okay right now, I saw some pretty worrying videos on his tik tok saying some really weird stuff. I, I think he might do something he is going to regret, and I'm scared. What if he hurts himself, what if he killed himself, what if he killed someone else, what if this, what if that. A bunch of what if's scrambled through my brain as I rushed to his house."

"The tears and what if's kept coming all at once, I just couldn't handle my emotions anymore. I knocked on the door, no answer so I kept knocking and still no answer so I did what I had to do and knocked the door down, not caring about anything but Oli in the moment."

    "I saw his limp weak looking body, all I thought was if I was too late. He was just lying their with the empty pill bottle still in his hand, not letting go. There he has foaming at the mouth and seizing, right before my eyes as I thought this was going to be the last time I see see my best friend. I dialed 9-1-1 as fast as I humanly could. While I waited for the ambulance to show up I looked at Oli's eyes, it wasn't him, and I'm pretty sure that it was those things those, those "monsters" the very thing that could've taken my friends life. This was my last straw, I knew I had to do something."

    "I know that if I do nothing that they are just going to do the same thing over and over again, and I had to stop them. While I did that the doctors were working from what had already happened. They did have to pump his stomach to get all of the bad stuff out, which just assured me even more he was gonna be okay. Even though it  was scary he'd make it through."

    "Now that I knew for sure that he was going to be okay, I knew what I had to do. I had to fight, and I knew the risk but I didn't care. All I cared about in the moment was Oli and how I wanted him to live, after all he was like my brother, we were basically family. I don't care about me right now, and as long as he's okay I'll be fine. If I could just take away a few of those monsters I knew that we could conquer the rest together after." Said Harry.

" Why, why didn't I die? Let me die, I just wanna die! I'm just so done with all of these lies, I'm sorry for being such a bad person, I'm sorry for being alive, I'm sorry for ruining everything." exclaimed Oli.

    "When Oli said that I knew it was time for those stupid monsters to learn their lessons. I fought those, those hideous beast. I blacked out but I won. I may not have been able to get them all, but we will one day." said Harry

    "What's going on? Am I dead?" Asked Oli.
"The monsters took over and I saved, and no you're not dead." Answered Harry.

"I wasn't able to get them all but maybe one day we can get them all together," said Harry.

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