Chapter 5

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Aurora Pov.

On saturday morning,After enjoying the morning breakfast Aurora walk alone near the black lake to enjoy the morning breeze.She brings along a book with her.So she decided to sit somewhere and read a little.Faith and the others is not with her since they all quite lazy to get up earlier on Saturday.

She decided to sit near to a big tree and find it cozy place to start reading.She reads the book with great enthusiasm and did not notice time move faster.Aurora have one more chapter before the book she reads end.She is so eager to finish it,so she continued to read.

Few minutes after that,Aurora hear something behind her moving but she not sure what is it. She close her book and wanted to turn around to see whatever is moving behind her.Then,that thing appear infront of her.

"Hello there gorgeous,we meet again."Aurora meet the dark eyes again.

"Mulciber..."Aurora call.

"Yeah,you know my name now. That's good gorgeous. I don't need to introduce myself anymore."Mulciber take one step closer to Aurora.

"Stay where you are Mulciber and my name is Aurora not gorgeous you can stop calling me that."Mulciber stop taking step closer to Aurora.She seems afraid of him but his not here to hurt her.

"You're so gorgeous my angel,That nickname suit you so well."he answered.

"What are you doing here anywhere?"Aurora ask him.She feel little scared because she hear a lot about this boy and it's all bad thing.Also she is alone here with him.If he did something to her nobody will come to rescue her.

"I just walking around and then I saw you sitting all alone.Then I thought why not greet you a little."Mulciber smiled sarcastically.

"What are you doing all alone here by the way,gorgeous?"He ask.

"It's none of your business what I'm doing in here."She answering him sharply.

"I'm being polite now,I think you should too gorgeous.I never being this polite with new people before.Especially blood traitor."He smirk.

"I'm not the one who disturb you Mulciber,you are."

"Oh,sorry I'm being a disturbed to you gorgeous. I didn't mean too."Mulciber step closer to Aurora without her realize his step.Aurora feels annoying with his talk.

"Will you leave me alone?I wanted some fresh air and enjoyed the view all to myself without any interrupted."

"I'm sorry gorgeous I can't ,I kind like to annoy you a lot."He move closer to Aurora and take the book Aurora hold in her hand.Then he take a seat somewhere near.

"What are you reading gorgeous?"Mulciber take a look at the book he takes from Aurora. Aurora just stand there awkwardly.The nervous and scared feeling she feel before gone slowly after Mulciber talks politely with her this time.

"It's a muggle book call 'The little prince',you won't like it."Aurora grab back the book from him.Sit opposite him.

"What a pureblood like you read a muggle book?Is it so interesting that you need to read it?"Aurora rolled her eyes.Of course he will talk like that.The super annoying brat.

"I read what I like,what I found interesting and it's okay if it a muggle book.There are a lot of great muggle book I have read.So,you don't have to judge on that Mulciber."Aurora told him in a calm voice.

"But that's make you a blood traitor,gorgeous."Mulciber turn his gaze to Aurora.He wonder why this young lady so excited about muggle.He did not find muggle interesting at all.They are nothing special.

Aurora looked at Mulciber with anger.How dare he is.

"You are so disgusting,blood traitor or not,it is none of your business right?Your mind and me speak differently.You and your blood supremacy and I don't really care about that."

Aurora think they don't have the same thought at all.He is Slytherin and she is Gryffindor.He will never understand her mind.

"We pureblood don't have to show respect to those mudblood like your friend before.We should show them their level."Mulciber add.

"I don't care you call me blood traitor but you should not call my friend by those words,Mulciber."Hearing the words mudblood already makes Aurora heart boils especially when he mention her friend.

She is full with anger looked at Mulciber then she decided to go back to the castle.

Aurora tried to walk away from Mulciber but was managed to be handcuffed by him.They were standing so close and their eyes meet each other.

His eyes are very charming but dark.Aurora can feel electricity all over her body with a sudden grip by Mulciber.She can smell sandalwood with mixed of vanilla on him.Aurora find it so seductive and tempting.The smell hit him deeply.

"Find me attractive gorgeous?"Mulciber smirked.He still did not let go of Aurora hand.He smell strawberry and caramel on Aurora.The smell is so intoxicated he didn't want to let her go.He want her in his arm.

Since the incident at the ravenclaw tower he was actually fascinated in remembering Aurora.He wanted to approach her, wanted to get to know her.And today his very lucky to have her wonder around the lake alone.This was his chances to get to know her,but he didn't know how to approach her.He never feel like this before.

"You wish Mulciber,let go of me now."Aurora tried to pull her hand away from Mulciber grip but he held her tightly.

"You smell so nice gorgeous."Mulciber said.

"I said let me go!"Aurora kick him at the bottom part.Mulciber then screamed in pain. Luckily,no one was there to see Mulciber groan in pain.A Mulciber got beat by little Potter so rare to see.Aurora smiled triumphantly.

"Don't play with a Potter, Mulciber."Aurora then walk away from him.

"It's hurt like hell Potter!I will get back to you."Mulciber yell to Aurora.He didn't think she is so extreme.She looks so soft.

"Yeah,I cannot wait for it."Aurora left Mulciber alone there.Serves him right.She smile.

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