Chapter 26

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Aurora Pov

Aurora has been quiet for several days after the break up.Faith tried to cheer her up but Aurora still glooming with her self.To add to her distress,Mulciber has been seen this few days with Stella Greengrass.Mulciber kissed and hugged her whenever he sees Aurora,probably to make her jealous.And it works perfectly.

Aurora tried to not bump into him.After the sight of Mulciber kissing Stella Greengrass at the middle of great hall,she decided not come to the great hall for breakfast and dinner anymore.She asked Faith to bring her some food to the common room or she will sneak out to the kitchen sometimes.

Aurora has been quiet and less talk to everyone.She just talked when it's needed.James and his friend also worried about her.

In her potions class that afternoon,Aurora seat at her usual place besides Evan since Faith were sitting besides Regulus.

Evan was worried about her.She look skinning and pale.Eyebag was form under her eyes.

"Ro,are you okay?You look pale.Have you eaten this morning?I didn't see you at the great hall this morning.

Aurora turned to looked at Evan,she didn't tell him yet about what happen.But he can guess by Mulciber action she thought.

"I'm okay,I didn't have breakfast.I get up late."

"Are you sure,you're okay?"Evan asked Aurora again.He wanted to comfirmed.

"Of course Evan,don't worry."Aurora make a small smile towards him.Proffesor Slughorn went in and greet the class.He give some lecturing about potions.Aurora do not focus on the lecturing.She keep herself in her mind.

Once the class over,Aurora gathering her things and wanted to headed to the library.She didn't have appetite to go to the great hall to have lunch.

Faith who's already know Aurora will not come to the great hall to have lunch already stormed off of the potion class.

Evan were walked besides Aurora when she make her way to go to the library.He followed after her.

"That's not the way to the great hall,dear."Evan speak behind Aurora.

Aurora turned to looked at Evan."I'm not going there,I'm going to the library."

"But you didn't having breakfast today,you can't skip lunch too."Evan said.

"I'm not hungry."

"You're hungry.You just don't want to admit it."
Evan takes few step closer to Aurora."come to the great hall with me."Evan tried to pleaded Aurora.

"I...I have something to do at the library."Aurora give excused.She didn't want to go to the great hall.

"I know your reason why you didn't want to come to the great hall Ro,But you don't need to avoid him forever.And I didn't ask why  because I know if you wanted to talked about it you will,but if not then it's okay."

"I'm sorry Evan,it's too personal.i just talked about it with Faith."Aurora sighed slowly.

"I know Ro,but you need to put yourself first.Just ignore him. It's not that long,he just got one month and the half left at Hogwarts."Evan tried to persuade Aurora.She knew about that,this year is Mulciber last year at school while she will come back for another year.

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