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We were currently at the table and to say things were a little awkward was an understatement.

Hyunjin and Seungmin where having some next level stare off.

While Felix was waffling to Changbin and Chan well Chan kept showing me the Chris is watching picture. It's honestly starting to creep me out.

I mean I don't know what to do. I want to escape with Hyunjin. Wtf I mean I want to escape this situation.........alone
I think yeah that's right.........alone.

No Hwang Hyunjin involved.

So hehe idk what to do with my life anymore just like Spark.

"I got tired of the awkward atmosphere. So like aren't we all having a great time as friends"

They just glared at me which made me shut up before Hyunjin cleared his voice.

"I'm sorry for whatever happened the other day les forget it and start again"

I felt a smile break onto my face.

"No!" Seungmin stood up "I won't just forget and start over" he started walking a away.

"Where you going?" I called

"To Minho hyung" He said and stormed off.

Felix shut up for like 3 seconds straight to process whatever just happened but then got distracted and started waffling to Changbin again.

Chris hyung as I prefer to call him stopped being creepy but for some strange reason he seemed sad and angry at the same time.

He looked like he was jealous but like what was he jealous of.

I was thinking so hard about what just happened I forgot about Hyunjin's presence.

I made Felix and Changbin come in closer and Hyunjin and Chan as well.

We all decided to play never have I ever but the looser had to do a dare.

"Never have I ever been called a llama" I said knowing Hyunjin was in his last finger.

I felt so evil 😏.

He groaned and me and the other cane up with the perfect dare.

He had to hug a tree while scream/singing the truth untold by bts.

During the game we found out he could sing so obviously we had to put him to the test.

I don't wanna hire a dying goat to sing at my wedding no thank you.

I would have said mine and Seungmin's wedding but I am only 15 and I have no clue what the future holds so I don't wanna get set on a idea which will only get my hopes up and break my heart.

But that's doesn't stop me from thinking he could be the one and what it would feel like to spend the rest of my life with him.

He finally started his dare and his voice. He was so talented. Why was he hiding his singing? For me yeah he is pretty but I don't care about how beautiful is. But his talent that's something I will always appreciate.

All him imperfections I won't try to corrects I will love.

His voice was so lulling I felt as if I were being hypnotised.

We all clapped and so didn't the others who came to see what was going on.

I will I could block all their eyesights. I wanna be the only who can look at him.

The only one who can touch him and make him smile.


I am thinking about this shit again.

We had a few mike rounds till Hyunjin got his payback.

I was waiting for my date to be given. I zoned out until I was tapped on the shoulder and told me dare.

I advanced towards him I was so nervous.

I held his face and gave a soft peck on his lips.

My dare was kiss the one you love and can imagine you life with. I obviously went to Minnie.

We spend the rest if the lunch break fooling around and laughing and just having a good time something we don't do often. Maybe I should hang out with Hwang more.

Maybe he is growing on me.

That doesn't mean he isn't still a dumb shit who can go and suck his toes.


I like this chap maybe I should've gone more into the game but overall I like this chap

Anyways don't die!

Unless I kill you 😉
*continues to look for house*

And on that note peace out ✌️

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