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I missed his piss taking morning messages.

I missed his cringe ass goodnight messages.

I missed his scent.

I missed him because he reminded me of someone special.

When I was 5 I had a friend. But no one believes me.

They all say my friend was imaginary and I got bullied for it.

But I remember every Friday I used to see him.

I just remember leaving him. He had no one. I wonder how he is.

I don't remember his name or many things about him as I was only 5 but I remember his face.

How could I forget?

I started feeling uncomfortable around Seungmin. I didn't feel that comfort I felt when Hyunjin hugged me.

This is all too confusing.

But the one thing I know and am sure off is that I miss him annoying me.

My Innie:
Yo you retarded idiot
I told you to stop and leave me alone so what's your problem

Excuse you but I haven't messaged or talked to you in a while.
So stop being rude. You changed maybe I don't want to know you anymore.

My Innie:
Hold up on min.
That's exactly my problem
You can't just message two EVERY single day and then just stop
It makes me miss your stupid messages and how you used to annoy me
Your silence is killing me
I know your doing it on purpose so you stay in my f*ed up brain
Oh shit-
I didn't mean to send all that

Oh snap
Sorry for the harsh words up there bubs
Did know my cutie just missed me?
Okay but serious question

My Innie:
What is it?

Did you miss me or did you just miss looking at my ass?

My Innie:
Wtf you make me seem like some next level pervert
Also none of those options I just missed your
Warm cuddly hugs|
Delicate touch|
Your daily messages made me feel appreciated that's it.

Fine I'll let you off this time
Okay but honestly how have you been?

My Innie:
Stressed but I don't wanna talk about it
Look how about we start over
And be friends 👉🏻👈🏻 🥺

Sure thing bubs
So can we hang out in school. I wanna get to know you.

My Innie:
Yeah you can meet Changbin and Felix

Oooh Changbin he is friends with Chan hyung right

My Innie:
You can bring Chan hyung as well we are quite close.
My parents were one of his uncles bosses

Aaah cool

My Innie:

What about Seungmin?

My Innie:
Just apologise and we can start over.
I'm sure he will understand we are just friends anyways it's not like I am cheating on him in front of his eyes lol

anyways I'll see how tomorrow bye

My Innie:

My heart started to feel a little lighter


Hey guys how are you?

Hope you like the update

Anyways peace out ✌️ bye 💞

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