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I heard what happened and I immediately rushed to his house.

I swear I wanna kill a b**** I am so thankful for Ray being there.

But where was that Hyunjin jackass how can I trust my baby with him when he can't even protect him in difficult times?

I knocked on the door and it was opened by a maid

"Aaah son I haven't seen you in ages" I am assuming she didn't know about the break up.

"Aaah just been a bit busy can I visit Jeongin?"

"Yeah sure he is in his room"

I made my way there.

I saw him in his bed and ran in.

"Innie I'm so sorry"

I said and hugged him. He hugged back.

"Seungmin? Are you actually just hear? This isn't a dream right? Your not gonna leave me?"

"No baby I'm never gonna leave you alone again after what happened"

"I'm sorry Minnie. I am really sorry for what I did."

My heart broke seeing him apologise I want even mad at him anymore.

"It's okay bubba I'm not mad"

His grip on me tightened.

"Look Innie I know this may be soon but can we get back together I missed you and I don't wanna loose you this whole incident made me scared."


"For the first time in my life I was scared. Scared of loosing someone. Scared of loosing you"

A stray tear fell from his eye which I immediately wiped away.

"I love you" I said

"I love you too and yes I would love to get back together with you"

I felt so elated but I feared for Spark's life.

All her readers must be pissed at her rn.

But tbh I couldn't care less.

I had my Innie with me again.

"I'm so happy"

"I feel like going to the top of a mountain and screaming that Yang Jeongin is officially mine again"

"Well don't forget if I'm yours them your mine and only mine"

"Yes baby I'm yours"

We shared a sweet kiss before I remembered I bought him some flowers and a gift.

"Hold up one minute I left something in my car"

"Okay hurry up"

I quickly rushed to my car and got the stuff then came back.

"Some flowers for you" I said in a posh accent causing his laughter.

How I missed his laughter.

How happy I am that I was the cause of his laughter.

"Why thank you kind sir" he replied giggling.

"I have something else for you as well. It's a personalised bracelet with our initials and anniversary date in it"

His face lit up when i showed him the gift

"Minnie I love it so much thank you so much I love you I love you I love you I love you" he said whilst pecking me all over my face until I captured his lips.


Sos for not updating in a while and before y'all @ me

This was planned. They were always gonna break up and get back together but it's all part of the plan.

Also the mech few chaps may be more minchan and binsung based and their back stories.

Peace out ✌️

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