2. Tony

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Peter was on the ceiling, why? I don't know. He had been hanging there for a while, I think he was asleep. Thor was pacing the kitchen without his shirt, lost his hammer again? Nat was in her room, probably throwing knives at something, while I was playing with one of my suit-arms. 

The day had been lazy. I had had a few meetings and skipped even more. Most of the team was at missions so it was only me, Peter, Nat and Thor at home. We had been playing monopoly and eating pizza the last few days, it had never been better. Other than a few treats and some light fighting we had had something like a vacation.

Just as I thought life was perfect a voice same from the ceiling, JARVIS. Thor flinched and Peter seemed to wake up, had he been sleeping the last month?

"Sir, Director Fury has sent a message." I sighed, something always came in the way of a perfectly good day. Nat walked in and sat on the sofa with me, Peter came after.

"Let's hear it then."

"There has recently been discovered a new possible threat. It is described as a form of Greek mythology, in the same was a Norse. We have come in contact with one of their leaders and an ambassador will be sent to the tower, to live with you for the next few months. Find out if they are dangerous and report regularly."

I was yawning before the end of the message. He could be so boring sometimes. Nat had on a almost visible worry-face and Peter was looking curius. I turned to find Thor in the kitchen, holding a half eaten pop-tart and staring at us. 

"This is not good." His voice was always a lottle loud and demanding, but this time it was as small as I had ever heard it. Just then miljonir flew through the wall and landed in his hand. 

"Found your hammer I see." I muttered.

The god sat down in the sofa, all four of us started at eachother.

"So, Greek myths, what do we know?" I started off. 

Peter looked up to the left and muttered something before talking.

"Isn't that like Zevs and Daedalus." 

Nat didn't answer, she probably knew just about everything but didn't find it convenient to tell. Thor on the other hand looked ready to burst. His blue eyes glowed dangerously and he had fully squished the poor pop-tart. 

"I have been holding it in for so long, finally my friends."

He fixed his posture and looked me in the eyes.

"There is only one person they'll send. The most experienced and the most powerful." 

He was smiling brightly, excited for something.

Peter was leaning forward, interested, but when wasn't he? Thor looked ready to burst, but holding himself in. On the other hand, Nathasha showed no signs of caring, just listening politely. I was a little confused, this 'great' man was probably like Cap, I also didn't quite get the whole god-thing, but it wasn't really my problem.

Oh wait! It was!

We didn't have much time to think about it, we were notified that he was on his was on his way over. Thor went to change into armor, Peter seemed conflicted on if he should change into his suit. 

Nat was always wearing the black thing it seemed, her hair laid perfectly without her needing to keep fixing it, just like me. I of course looked impeccable, with my perfectly cut goatee and black suit, (didn't bother changing after I got home).

Peter disappeared out of the window, shouting something to me. After that it went down hill. Thor flew through the wall and chrashed into me. I, of course didn't know it was him and three ironman suits flew at us. 

When nothing else works, I have a habit of starting fires. In my own home, I acknowledge that this is a bad idea, and would prefer if no one told Pepper. Unfortunately I was not in the right mind to think rationally (even with my genius brain), and started blasting.

Suddenly the couch was on fire, making lots of smoke and smelling badly. I looked over at the god beside me and we decided together to get the couch out before anyone saw. 

Of course Peter choose that moment to fly in, through the window, might I add, and landed in the burning sofa. His suit is many things, fireproof however, it is not. Simultaneously, Thor went for the couch and I went for the boy. 

Grunting like a troll he started running through the hall, burning couch over one shoulder while I dragged a burning spiderman after me, while trying to extinguish the flames. 

In the end, we were infront of the elevator, with the burning couch in front of us, ready to push it down the stairs. I had a few parts of my suit, Thor's cape was on fire and the publicly loved spiderman was half naked, but luckily unnharmed, while two and a half ironman suits were flying around like crazy.

It was at this point the elevator opened and a boy at Peters age was staring at us.

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