3. Peter

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The sofa fell hard. It went down the stairs at incredible speed, just as it had gone down about ten steps I stopped it, using a little web. Jumping up I ran over the wall and dragged the burning couch to me. When it was stuck to the ceiling, I took away the flames, and hid it in a corner. No one would ever find it. As everyone used the elevator.

Mr. Stark was staring out the door at something, probably inside the elevator. With a small grunt I swung across the room and landed on the wall beside Mr. Stark and Thor. From there I could see inside the elevator.

A man was standing there, he had dark, almost black hair, and glowing green eyes. No, not glowing, they were just so intense that they kept my attention hostage. His skin had a strong tan, but I could see lines, small and big, all over his body. Scars.

He was visibly uncomfortable as we stared at each other. He seemed to catch himself after a long moment and gave us a dashing smile.

"Do you know an Andr- Anna- Anthony?" He quirked an eyebrow. Why was he saying it like that? When no one responded he looked down at a slip of paper, squinting hard, he mumbled the words to himself.

"Antoughney? Althonehy?" He stared helplessly up at us and down at the paper. Finally, he gave up and shrugged.

"Anthony Stark?" At that Mr. Stark reacted. Tugging a little at his goatee he gave the boy a smile.

"Anthony Stark. I go by Tony; you must be Perseus." Perseus smiled.

"Perseus Jackson. I go by Percy."

Their little exchange got interrupted by a loud voice, Thor was enthusiastically waving and smiling at Percy. He came thumping around the corner he seemingly had landed behind in the chaos.

"Perseus! How long it's been!" Percy's smile slacked a bit, "Hi, Thor." The noble god couldn't seem o stand still, but Mr. Stark was quick to get back the man's attention.

"Let's go to the living room, how much do you know? It's been a confusing half hour."


Percy was nicer than he looked, by his intense muscles and scars, with the black hair and threatening eyes, anyone could've taken him for a bully. All of us were therefore surprised the moment he opened his mouth. He managed to be polite and read the room perfectly, holding the attention on him and distract when it was needed.

Thor seemed to be in love, and Mr. Sark very interested in the man. Although Percy answered all our questions, he never went into detail, and never talked about himself. After an hour he was talking animatedly about the camps and basic training that want on there, he was fiddling with a pen, spinning it in his hands, but never opened it.

"Wait-" I started, all of them looked at me. "What about you? You say you're children of the gods, and you are divided by parent. Who is yours?" He looked down at the pen, deciding something. Brushing his hand through his hair, in a fluid motion he smirked at me.

"I guess I forgot to mention that." Standing up like before he introduced himself again.

"I am Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon. Ambassador for the Olympians."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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