chapter four

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(Virgil pov)
"Is sleepovers a thing you usually do?" Janus questions as we keep walking.
"Rather often yes" logan states.
"Well if you would like our company we'd appreciate joining" janus smiles
"Of course!!" Patton beems almost jumping around.
"I will drive you all there immediately"
"Janus.." I whisper knowing he will hear it.
"Yes?" He whispers back
"Do I have too?" I say quietly.
"I will not make you, but I think we all would appreciate having you there" he smiles
"Who's gonna talk about the dark meanings behind the movies with me if you arent there?" Remus smirks.
"Fair point" I smile as we get to the car.
"Shotgun" Roman smirks and gets into the car

~time skip to at Logans place brought to you by a exhausted author~

"Here we are!"
Logan says as he pulls up in the driveway of a pretty big grey house.
We all make our way out of the car and into his TV room where we sit on the couch together.
"So you guys have a band?" Patton smiles
"Yeah we do!" Remus smiles back
"What is your band name?" Roman smirks
"The darks." Janus simply answers.
"That's a- interesting name, context?" Patton smiles.
"Some idot called us 'the idiots in the dark' before a gig so we just owned it!" Remus says proudly.
"That is actually a scientifically proven solution to such nicknames an-"
"Who cares nerd?" Roman interrupts
"Roman. We are listening to Logan speaking." Janus responds coldly.
"Yeah we care" I say quietly towards Logan as I see a smile forming on his face.
"Well okay." Roman says looking mad as he gets up from the couch. "I'm getting some water" he says clearly upset and leaves.
"I'm getting some water too" I say and stand up and leave after roman.

"What do you want emo" roman says in a bitter tone as he sips his water.
"That wasnt so nice, the thing you said to logan" I say as I take some water.
"Ugh who cares"
"He does." I say looking at him.
"You clearly hurt him when you interrupt, maybe just hear him out."
He only scoffs in response.
"You'd be a lot nicer if you just noticed things like that, trust me" I smile at him as we
make eye contact.
"I'm sorry." He says wiping a tear from his cheek
"Hey hey hey wait hold up don't cry" I panic as I put the cup down and walk towards him.
"Just try to think about that? Constructive criticism!" I smile as I hear a small laugh coming from the talled man.
"Let's go back"

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