chapter three

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(Virgil pov)
"Wh-what was that-"
"What is happening-"
"Who is that-"
"Did they hear me-"
"Does janus know them-"
"What am I doing-"

My brain was a mess, I was with my two best friends for less than a minute ago and now this random guy fell through the door.
I feel my breathing going faster and faster and my hands started to shake as I pushed myself back into the corner of the room.
After a moment I didnt even hear Remus' hysterical laughs. Only the voices in my head.

And suddenly they change focus.
"I dont think I've reminded you how absolutely worthless you are enough today"
I'm on the verge of tears again as the voice gets louder and louder.
I can't hear anything else and i feel how I hit the wall with my back.
The voices gets louder and louder and louder and I feel like im gonna scream. But I just hold still. Hold quiet.
"They are gonna think of you as such an attention seeker you absolutely b*tch"
The voices got so loud and overwhelming to the point where I didnt notice Janus running up to me, putting his hands on my shoulders and slowly pulling me to the floor with him.

"Virgil can you hear me?" He asks. Worry in his voice and he almost chokes on his words.
I feel how someone rubbes circles in my back as I slowly calm down.
"It's ok." I hear Remus say, he sounded so worried. It's weird hearing Remus that worried...
I look up and into Janus' light brown eyes, they were always so calming to look into.
He gave me a small smile and slowly spoke
"Can I touch you?"
He nods and moves closer to me.
I feel a hand on my back and his head leaning on my shoulder.

"You really scared me emo" I hear Remus say from behind me.
"Y-yeah s-sorry"
"It's not your fault kiddo" I hear a sweet pretty quiet voice say as I look up I see him, "oh hi I'm Patton" he says with a shy smile and a little wave.
Next to him stands a tall thin man also with glasses. "I deeply apologize for scaring you Virgil, it was never what we wanted to accomplish as the first time we meet" he says as he fixes his tie.
"Uh-uhm it's ok.." I mutter out.
"Want to stand up?" I hear Janus whisper in my ear and I nod.
He stands up and helps me up as I get some dust off my black pants.

And there
In the back of the room stands a boy. He has the same hair color as Remus and he is probably the same height, he's wearing a white and red jacket with white tight Jeans. When we make eye contact he rubs his neck and looks away shyly.
"And this is my dumbass brother Roman, who cant seem to learn how doors work"
Huh, so that's Remus' brother.
I feel Janus leaning down and he whispers something in my ear "insert panic at the disco song" he says and laughs quietly.
I look at him and smile as I hug him tightly.
He really understands me...

"I'm sorry I scared you Virgil.." Roman says as he keeps looking at me.
"Oh- uhm it's fine, are you ok though? Sounded like a kinda hard fall" I say and smile at him.
Wait did I come off to rude-
"Yeah heh I'm ok" he answers and smiles.

He has a nice smile.
One of those big and real ones, you can tell he means it. Maybe I'll let Roman stick around for a while, I kinda l-
Logan cuts me off in my thoughts, "remus you said you would drive us all home today. And you said you would fourthy minutes ago." He sounded dead serious this time.
"Oh sh*t sorry, let's go then guys." Remus says as he makes his way towards the door.
He turns around and looks at janus and virgil whose still standing there,
"I am not letting you two walk in the rain, come on now!"
Janus takes my hand as we turn off the lights and walk up the stairs.

"So Roman, what where you doing leaning towards the door huh?"
Remus asks as he smirks towards his brother.
Roman's face turns read as he looks at the floor and then up at this brother and responds "listening to my dear brother practice of course" he says and smirks.

Suddenly a phone rings. Logan picks his phone up from his pocket and gives a worried glance at the screen before he puts it to his ear.
"Yes father?" He says as he keeps walking.
"Yeah I'm on my way...."
"Yes I'm ok........."
"Mhm ok..... well have fun"
"Yeah........ ok thank you"
"Bye father."
He says as he hangs up and puts his phone down.
Everyone is looking at him.

"What?" He asks when he notices everyone's glances.
"What's your father gonna do??" Patton asks the taller Male enthusiastically.
"Hes going on a date with some girl, he just called me to let me know hes not home when I get home, and he wondered where I was" he says back to patton.
"My mom is also on a date today" I say quietly smiling towards Logan.
"Do you also only have one parent?" He asks after a bit of quiet walking.
"Yes." I say quietly.
"Me too." He says.

Logan suddenly stops and everyone looks at him.
"What's wrong Lo?" Patton says looking worried up at him.
Logan blushes a bit at the nickname but tries to stay on track.
"I don't really like spending the evenings alone. Is anyone free for tonight?" He says looking shyly around.
"Sleepover?" Roman asks excitedly
"More like movie nigh-" logan tries to put in
"Omg yes sleep over!!" Patton says bouncing up and down on the spot.
Logan looks at him and visibly blushes.
"Ok.. sleep over" he says in defeat

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