let me fall

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Their hands were interlocked as they walked down the campus roads, memories flooding into Kageyama's brain of when their love was still new and fresh. He remembers how they were so blissfully happy; like nothing else mattered in the world but each other. He knew how cliche that sounded yet still it made his heart burn, as he held on for dear life in Hinatas arms, tightening his grasp on his counterparts hand. 

Hinata takes notice of this and stops just at the entrance of building A. "hey what's wrong?" he asks the taller boy, a concerned look on his face. "what? nothing. I was just holding your hand." Kageyama reassures him with a polite and soft look on his face but Hinata could tell something was wrong. They were both aware of what was going on and knew that the other knew too, playing dumb and making up excuses just to be with each other for as long as possible.

Hinata sighs. "okay well I'll see you later then? I love you, so much Kags. Stay safe, yeah?" they inched closer to each other, eyes fluttered shut and lips connected, pouring all their love into each other in just a few short seconds. "I will. I love you too Hinata." their hands slowly falling to their sides as they walked away from each other, the feeling of their partners touch still lingering on their fingertips.

Hinata and Kageyama had known each other for six years, but only started dating during their first year of college. Had being the freak duo in Karasunos volleyball club, they had eventually built up feelings for each other but were both too timid, shy and awkward to ever say anything. Suddenly the cap had exploded and all the love spilt out of the bottle when they ended up as dormmates. 

(moving in day)
"kageyama-san? what are you doing here?" a confused Hinata blurted out as he opened the door to his dormitory. "H-Hinata? This is my dorm, what are you doing here?" Kageyama turned around to face the shorter of the two. Suddenly hinata started jumping around Kageyama. "we're roommates!!!"  

(5 months into the school year)
it was 2:36 am and Hinata stood beside Kageyama's bed, facing the wall whilst speaking to him. They had a fight about something stupid, their pent up sexual frustration getting the better of them. Eventually, one of them had had enough and decided to speak up after almost ending their friendship over the dumbest thing ever. 

"I've held my tongue for the better part of these past 4 years and I'm sick and tired of my cowardice so I'm just going to speak. Kageyama, I have been in love with you since I slammed my first spike with you back in Karasuno. All through our time there, you have been my bestfriend  and I was always scared I would ruin it with my feelings; so I held back. During the last few months before graduating, I decided to get over you since I thought I'd never have to see you again after highschool." 

Hinata turned around and faced Tobio. "But then i found out we had gotten into the same college and I panicked for a bit, once realizing that i probably wouldn't be in any of your classes, I cooled down. I was still getting over you at this point but it was hard to erase two years worth of feelings."  

He sighed "THEN i find out we're sharing 21 square meters of space and all the feelings came flooding back, almost as if they had never left and anytime we spent time together, my love for you grew more and more, like the pressure in coke bottle after adding mentos. The cap has exploded Kageyama and unless you're gonna kiss me and tell me these feelings i've been feeling are real and you feel them too, please dont look at me like that, all dumbfounded and cute so just kick me out and I'll stop talking to you. I'm at my limit and i seriously can not take this anymore."  Hinata was practically yelling at this point with tears streaming down his face, shoulders feeling like a bolder had just been lifted off but his heart was pounding harder than anything else in the world, you could almost hear it. 

After a second of taking it all in and just staring at Hinata from his bed, he suddenly took him into his arms, slamming his lips onto Hinata's, tears running from his eyes. "Hinata, I've been in love with you from the day we played our first match together. Never in my life had I thought this day would come." Tobio stared into Hinatas eyes with nothing but pure love.


it was now 3 pm and volleyball practice was due to start. Hinata hadn't seen Tobio since 9 am and was wondering if he was okay. As he walked into the changing rooms, Tobio had been walking out.

"hey." Hinata stopped Kageyama at the door way but soon moved away from the incoming wave of players. Tobio looked at Hinata, his face lighting up when he realized that it was him who pulled him away, going in for a hug instantly, burying his head in the crook of Hinatas neck. "babe whats wrong?" Hinata asked, surprised by this action. "I just missed you is all." his muffled voice speaking volumes about their relationship. 

"listen, let me get changed for practice and then we can kick some ass in todays practice like we always do." Hinata suggests to Kageyama. The ravanette propped his head up. "can I stay with you while you change?" he asked softly. "yeah of course."


Practice had started, they were practicing their serves. Even after playing volleyball for most of his life, Hinata's serves still aren't the best. "c'mon Hinata you can do better!" the coach orders. Shouyos face tenses up and goes red. "yea Hinata, do better..." Tobio smirks. "no one asked you." Hinata smiled with crossed eyebrows, making Tobio chuckle.

the rest of practice continues as expected, nothing really special to the boys in the team because they're used to it but on the outside, you'd be thinking they're preparing for a marathon at the Olympics. 

Towards the end of practice, they all played three on three games. Hinata and Kageyama obviously in the same team, making the other team mates protest to the coach. "but coach they're the freak duo! almost no one can get past them! how is that fair?" Hinata and Kageyama exchanged glances, silently asking each other, "remember highschool? those were fun times." but thinking back on it now broke their heart, wishing they could go back, even just for a day to experience being in their beloved Karasuno team and playing against the powerhouse schools once again. Oh how they missed that. The simplicity.

Before they even knew it, the matches started and almost subconsciously, Hinata was bending his knees and jumping into the air whilst Kageyama tossed the ball and the shorter of the duo, with full force ahead, smaked the ball onto the opposite side of the net, scoring a point for their team. 

shortly after, the whistle blew twice, marking the end of practice and time for them to go home. The boys no longer yearned to stay longer and practice until late. Now they valued their sleep and rest and although Hinata was still a walking ball of sunshine and way too energetic at times, he's matured.

The duo retreated back to the changing rooms and quickly pulled over their clean clothes and pulled up their pants before heading out and going home, hand in hand in spite of the obvious tension between them.  

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