what happened here?

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The two love birds stayed at Hinata's parents home. They don't know why, they just did. As they pulled into the drive way, Natsu came running out wearing a white sweater and a brown plaid skirt with tights to greet her brother and brother's boyfriend. She'd secretly been hoping they we're gonna get married sometime soon. "Hey Natsu!!" Hinata cried out as he opened his arms for her to come hug him. "I missed you onii-chan" she said while being smothered in his puffer jacket. 

Tobio on the other hand was being greeted by Shouyo's mom and dad. As he bent over to hug Mrs. Hinata and Mr. Hinata. It was no wonder Shouyo was short. Both his parents are. "Tobio-chan!!" he heard Natsu call out as she came running for a hug too. "Hey Natsu." he said with a little chuckle in his voice. 

Shouyo was being dragged to the house by his little sister who was very eager to sit down with him. "hey sweetie, do you need some help?" Shouyo called out quickly, not wanting to abandon him outside with the luggage. "no no it's fine. I got it." Tobio replied with a smile as he heard Natsu call for her brother. 

Tobio let out a breath as he was left alone. He was scared. He didn't know what to do with himself nor how to talk to Shouyo. His heart was aching, not only for himself but the reciprocate too. It was only around 4:30 and sun had already began to set. 'The winter season is crazy' he thought to himself as he grabbed his and Hinata's bags and dragged them to the door, locking the car door before hand. 

As they were drinking some tea inside the house, being warmed by a cozy fire, Shouyo kept glancing at Tobio from across the room, an uneasy feeling flooding his heart as he talked with his mom and sister. He wasn't really paying attention when he heard "marriage" come up. His head shot back to his mom, a serious look on his face and red cheeks staring at her. 

"mama we're not getting married anytime soon. keep it down." he told her sternly, worried that Tobio might hear. "Why not? you guys are totally ready to be married. At least thats how it looks from my side." Natsu brought up a bit loud, not really aware of her surroundings. 

"Natsu shut up!" Shouyo whisper-yelled when he saw Tobio staring at them. "what happened?" He asked. "oh nothing, Natsu's being silly." Shouyo explained as his mom got up. "okay well you boys must be hungry, so lets eat!" she called out as she walked away to the kitchen and everyone followed suit. 

"Hey mama we're just gonna go wash up." Shouyo called out to his mom as he lead Tobio to the bathroom. The bathroom was a blue color and only slightly cramped. Once behind a closed door, he released a sigh. "oh my god." he said as he sat down on the bath tub ledge, staring at his feet. "are you okay?" Tobio asked, slightly concerned. "yeah I just need a break from them for a minute." Hinata looked up to Tobio who was looking at him from above while petting his soft, fluffy hair. Shouyo could feel his anxiety flaring up around his parents. 

"was my dad too difficult?" He asked standing up to meet his boyfriend in a hug. "He was alright. We didn't talk about anything special, mostly about the logistics of college classes which was kinda weird now that I think about it but its fine." Tobio spoke up whilst in Shouyo's arms, head buried in the crook of his neck. Hinata pulled away, face still only inches away from Tobio's. 

"well we should get going then." He said calmly, staring Tobio in the eyes. "right." Tobio let go of Hinata, reaching for the door handle before being met with Shouyo's over his. "what?" he looked at Shouyo, confused. Hinata went on his tip toes and placed a soft kiss over Tobios. "I love you is what." 


The family was just getting done with dinner, people were getting up and taking their plates to the sink. "thank you for the food mama! It was so good." Shouyo said lightheartedly, giving a kiss to his mothers cheek followed by Kageyama agreeing. "thank you boys, you're so sweet." Hinata's mom said as she helped clear the table. 

Kageyama decided not to be rude and clean up the dishes in the kitchen. As he squeezed some dish soap onto the springy spongy, he heard someone telling him to stop. Tobio ignored it as he didn't wanna be rude, staying at his boyfriends parents house, eating their food, he could at least clean up.

"Natsu, go take over for Tobio-San, he needs to rest." Mrs Hinata ordered Natsu and she obliged, happily running over to the kicthen to meet her almost brother in law. "It's fine Natsu, go sit down, I'm good here. Besides, I have to help with something." Kageyama explained to the younger girl. "nonsense, I'll-" Natsu gets cut off by her older brother. "Natsu go sit down, it's fine. I'll help Tobio and we'll get this done quickly." He assured her. "if ya say so..." Natsu sighed, swinging her arms in the air in defeat as she left the kitchen.

"you don't have to do this y'know." Hinata smiled at Kageyama as he got a towel to dry up the dishes. "I know but I want to." Tobio answered while washing up a plate. They both stayed quiet for a while, only the sound of colliding utensils and plates to the counter top. It was a comfortable silence- well almost.

"Is everything okay, Tobio?" Hinata asked, worry laced in his voice. "yeah. what makes you ask that?" Kageyama responded with a question. "It's just that something feels off, I'm just not sure what." He explained, staring his boyfriend in the eyes. Lucky for Tobio, he was a good liar. "I don't know. Maybe it's just my anxiety getting the best of me." Hinata sighed as he finished drying the last dish and placing it in the cupboard. "Maybe. But it's fine, I'll be here for you all throughout it." Tobio reassured the shorter male, embracing him in a tight hug. "This is why I love you so much." Shouyo said softly, voice muffled from his face being buried in his boyfriends chest.

They soon left the kitchen and let Shouyo's family know that they were heading to their bedroom.


"Damn" Hinata thought out loud as he opened the door to his ancient bedroom. All his old posters were still on the wall, as were pictures of him from highschool. "I miss these guys..." Tobio spoke as he picked up a picture frame with a picture of the Karasuno volleyball club in it. Hinata peered closer to him, a frown quickly becoming apparent on his face. "yeah me too."

They boys sat down on their shared bed, just staring at the picture frame, thinking about how much has changed. They knew they were lucky to have each other and would rather die then forget it. Something as rare as love doesn't come easy but when it's here, there's no better feeling. But they also knew that love was hard work, possibly the hardest. To allow yourself to be open and vulnerable and to trust that the other person won't rip our your heart is difficult. It was something so delicate yet was sharp enough to cut you in a split second.

Tobio wasn't stupid. He knew that Shouyo knew something was wrong. He could feel it too. It was just a matter of time before it all broke down.


hope you guys liked that? sorry I didn't update in a while, school and stuff. it's winter break soon though, so hopefully I'll be able to update more often.

have a great day! remember to say safe, wash your hands and wear a mask!!!

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