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2days later.

I've been sitting hear for 2 days now, bored out of my mind. If it wasn't for Old James I wouldn't of known what was happening up top. There was only one thing that interested me , Old James told me that  'apparently' one of the lads named John had disappeared . Some say he has been killed , some say he has been kidnapped but Old James says that he thinks he's a traitor. Quoted ,'A've  always felt sumfin suspicious about that fella, nevea made me feel comfortable always lurkin abou' in the shadows an he nevea spoke much either!' I never really know what to believe , but what Old James said seemed less likely who would he got to. Only if...no..he wouldnt...DARE...would he? No, not the Xiomar... no i don't think he has the guts to and how would he contact them.Yeahhh, he wouldn't dare our family and our pride is just too strong. We're to powerful and our names bring fear to people he wouldn't dare.. Hes probably dead...Oh well never knew him personally.


It was the middle of the night when I heard the floor boards creaking above me. Who the hell in there rightful mind is creeping around this time of night.                                              More foot steps... What the hell. I heard my brothers whispering to each other, so if it wasn't them who was it . CRASH!!! ... Then another CRASH! SHIT! What is happening up there . Men were shouting at the top of their lungs. Clashes of swords...They were fighting but who...they had to lock the doors. I wanted to fight , I wanted to show them what I was worth . I lit my candle and started gathering all the weapons I could see in sight but there wasn't much because my brothers took half of them away and I had to hide some. I put a little dagger in my trousers out of sight while i slid a sword by my side. I sat on my bed anticipation killing me by the minute but i wasn't worried about my brothers I knew that they could take care of themselves . I don't know anyone stronger than them.  Well I don't know much people sooo. I heard loud groans and body's hitting the floor with a thud. I sat there biting on my nails, NO get up Augusta prepare yourself and stop acting like a girl and start acting like a pirate.  I hated waiting. It felt as if it had been around an hour when I heard some footsteps coming down the stairs . FINALLY!! My brothers are hear to fetch me.. Well about time! Upstairs the sounds died out, just a few groans. And yet again victory to my brothers. WE need to celebrate and maybe, just maybe they may forget about the wedding and the deal they made with that APE!!!

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