Chapter 8

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Guarding Alexei was the most uneventful thing ever. I spent most of the day with my dad, he took the school shift, knowing very well that Kenna wouldn't do anything if I was with him. Steve took the night shift. I wasn't allowed to go in the room when Alexei was feeding, as no one wanted a part two of what happened last time.

Alexei did what I told him too, spend more time with Asher for if an attack ever happened I can protect him too. This meant spending more time with Mark. He didn't like answering my questions about Roman, but he did call him every one in a while. I never noticed the chemistry between Mark and Alexei, until I started to spend more time with them.

Malakai would come every once in a while, but leave as soon as he saw me.

Asher and I spent a lot of time together. He would inform me of all things Malakai and Kenna. And he'll tell me what he's been learning to do with spirit. We would often go to the church attic and look through St. Vladimir's spirit stuff so we can figure out spirit and pretend it's for Alexei.

It was kinda hard to believe that I've been here a little over a month and I've spent most of it taking care of my now best friend, Alexei Dragomir.

Alberta wanted me to start attending my first few classes, as there hasn't been a spirit killing in a while. I would meet up with my dad and Alexei after third period. You think I'm behind in other classes, but I'm actually pretty caught up. Steve would bring me my work of the day when it's his shift, and we should stay up with me to do the work I didn't finish throughout the day.

We had two more weeks left before winter break, us going back to court. I was pretty excited to go back to my old life, at least for a little bit.

"Kat." Alexei came running to me after I finished getting ready.


"She's here, what's her face, Steve's ex." Alexei tried to remember. And then I saw her.

She looked like the classic moroi, pale, incredibly tall, skinny, blonde shoulder length hair, blue eyes that required no light to shine, she's gorgeous. She wore a black power suit, she looked like she could rule the entire world. Alexei didn't like her, I knew her like everyone he knew me when I first got her, vicariously by other people, by Alexei.

"Chrisitan," I hugged him as soon as I saw him, "How was your trip back at court?" He went back to court for a couple of days to help Lissa with a couple of political things I really could care less for.

"It was weird not having you wreak havoc." He said in his regular joking tone, "Kat, this is Veronica Devin, one of my students and instructors, Veronica, this is Dimitri's daughter, Katerina."

"I've heard so many things about you." She shook my hand, I hope we get to work a long side together one day." I guess I now knew why no one really liked her, she had this stuck up voice, it was annoying, might even say punchable.

"Kat, Veronica here, is actually looking to get a job," Alexei butted into the conversation, "teaching how to magic defensively, as a permanent job, like she's going to stay here."

"I think she understands." Christian looked at him weirdly.

"That is so cool, amazing, wonderful." I ran out of adjectives.

"You guys are so funny, are you guys together?" She acted clueless too.

"No I have a boyfriend." Alexei said, trying not to laugh.

"Oh, that cool." She really was clueless.

"Well, Miss Devin, we better get going so you can meet your students." My dad sensed the awkwardness.

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