Chapter 6

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My five days felt like five years. I tried sneaking out once, but I got caught, so I decided not to try again. I thought it was going to be much more awkward with Steve, but I was glad to have him there with me. We got pretty close these last couple of days. He was right about there being a spark, but we both knew acting on anything would make things even more complicated, even after I told him about Malakai and Asher. I can admit he did look a bit jealous but he was good at hiding his real feelings.

One thing I did know for sure. I was excited to return back to normal life, my academy life.

I was excited to see Malakai. Hell, I was even excited to see Alexei.

I quickly got ready and put on my practice clothes. I was finally free. I was early to my first, hoping my dad was there. And he was, I was surprised to see Malakai, who was training with him. I didn't know he was training with him in private.

"Kitty." my dad said as I ran to his arms, he picked me up and spun me around, "They finally let you out."

I smiled and looked over at Malakai, "Hi."

"Hey." He looked down.

"I'm gonna go get breakfast real quick, if you want to come."

"I'm good. You too have fun." My dad hugged me again.

Malakai followed me outside. I stopped him and hugged him. He didn't hug me back. I looked at him confused but he wouldn't look at me.

"What's wrong?" I finally asked.

"Nothing." He looked around like he was looking for an escape, he found one, "I have to go talk to Mark, I'll see you later."

"Malakai, wait." I tried grabbing his wrist but he was already gone.

I didn't get it. Did I do something wrong? What the hell happened the last couple of days? What did I miss? But this is St. Vladimir's, everyone knows everything about everyone, there are no secrets here, I was bound to find out at some point throughout the day.

I went to lines to get something quick to eat. There weren't many people in the lines, I grabbed a granola bar and coffee. I made my way back to the gym and I ran into Asher.

"They finally let you out of prison?"

"Yes, I'm a free woman now."

"Would this free woman like for me to walk her to class?"

"You'll be late."

"So, it'll be worth it."


He interrupted, "I know about the kiss, with Kai. And you don't owe me anything, we aren't together it's fine. And if it's okay with you I want to keep fighting for you, you aren't someone I want to lose."

I blushed, someone actually wanted to be with me, they wanted to fight for me. But I just couldn't shake this feeling off, "Do you know what's up with Malakai?"

He looked at me confused, "Sorry I kinda forgot you call him by his full name." he paused, "He has a girlfriend."

Five days. Five bloody days. I was gone for five days and he found someone else. Five fucking days, and he moved on.

"I can't tell you who, if that what you were wondering." He said after I stayed quiet, "I wasn't even supposed to tell you the first part, he begged us not too."

That confused me even more, why didn't he want me to know. I mean what happened, he kissed me, he wanted to kiss me. Why couldn't I know who is?

I started walking with Asher with these thoughts racing; Am I not good enough? Did I say something wrong? Did I do anything wrong? Who is she? Why did he beg everyone not to tell me? Everyone... Who else knows? The only person who would tell me is my least favorite dragomir.

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