Chapter 1

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Sometimes I wonder "how the hell did I end up here?" Trust me if I knew the answer I would tell you. For the past sixteen years, my life has been the same, until I got into an argument with my dear mother, and she sent me away to hell, at least that's what she told me when she would tell me stories about this place. It was in the middle of nowhere, Montana, might as well be on another planet. Sy. Vladimir's Academy.

"Katerina!" Mr. Newton shouted, I looked up, "Your mother wants to see you. She's in the church."

"Mr. Newton, I think we both know that Slavic Art is much more important than talking to my dear mother." I replied trying to be as serious as I could be. As much as I hate Slavic Art, I really didn't want to talk to my mom.

"Katerina, as much as I would love to go over the importance of Slavic Art with you and your mother, I don't want to keep the queen waiting. Go to church, she's waiting."

"She's not the queen." I said under my breath. I got up and headed towards the church.

"Katerina, why aren't you in class?" a voice said before I reached the church.

I turned around, and I saw him, Steve. He's a guardian who graduated last year. He went to school somewhere on the east coast, we both came here last week, still adjusting to the school lifestyle. When you come in three months late it can be very difficult to adjust and fit in. He was one of my only friends, he might be a teacher, but we were pretty tight.

"My mother is here."

He moved his chestnut brown hair out of his face, showing more of his complexion, his hot and sexy complexion. "Ahh good luck with that, don't want to keep her waiting." Steve walked me all the way to church to make sure I wasn't gonna do my grand escape from this hell hole known as St. Vladimir's Academy. "Whatever you do remember to keep control." He patted my back, as a good luck, and opened the door for me.

I walked into the church, I was surprised to see my mother was nowhere in sight, instead standing right in front of me was a goddess. My favorite aunt, Vasilisa Dragomir, the queen. I bowed.

"Kat please, you know I hate when people do that." My aunt Lissa was humble. She was wearing a beautiful jade green dress that really complimented her eyes, her silky platinum hair was down, like always which really fit her face structure.

My aunt was the queen of the Moroi government. She won the election when she was eighteen, after the murder of the previous queen. The murder is always a hot topic both back at court and here at the Academy, as my family was right in the middle of it.

I hugged my aunt. "Please tell me you're here to take me back to court."

She laughed, "You know your mother would kill me." she sighed, "Alexei, has been having trouble specializing. So Christian and I thought we should drop by and make sure he's doing okay with it all."

Alexei Dragomir is the youngest son of the queen and her husband, my uncle Christian Ozera. Lissa has been worried that Alexei wouldn't specialize, since she didn't specialize until her senior year, and was bullied by the other Moroi. It turned out my aunt had actually specialized in a rare element, called spirit.

Moroi are the only type of vampires that have magical powers and can specialize in one of the five elements earth, air, water, fire, and spirit. Spirit is special, unlike the other elements that come from the essence of the earth, but spirit comes from the essence of the person. There have only been seven spirit users in the history of Moroi.

My aunt's other son, Nathaniel Dragomir, specialized rather quickly, quicker than most moroi. He was a fire user, which disappointed most of the royal court, but it made my uncle Christian and Lissa proud. He was Steve's age and he took a gap year to travel the world before he came back to court.

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