Fiery Tenacity

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A cold sweat runs down Izuku's spine when he hears that statement from Bakugou. His eyes quickly dart down to the large, seemingly cumbersome gauntlets that Bakugou has on his wrists. An evil smile presses wider on bakugou's face as he sees Izuku piece together what is going to happen.

"I'm sure you know better than anyone else how my quirk works." He says, this statement causes Izuku's blood to now run cold. "These gauntlets are specially made to collect all that explosive sweat I produce from my hands. And I bet you know exactly what happens when there's a lot of it." Clenching his fists, Izuku quickly let's out the max amount of his power he can to not allow Bakugou to use the gauntlets.

Before Bakugou can pull the pin, Izuku vanishes in a flash of green electricity moving so fast it creates a sonic boom that blows out all of the windows on the block. A collision that feels like it has enough force to rip him in half collides with Bakugou's stomach as the fist of Izuku follows through with the punch and sends him to the other side of the hallway. The cement wall crumbles from the impact of Bakugou, dazing the explosion user temporarily. His vision blurry from the impact of his head on the wall. Reaching up, he rips back the lever of his gauntlet revealing the pin once more before All Might's voice echoes through the facility.

"Bakugou don't use that blast in doors you might kill him!" All Might shouts,, Katsuki, Iida, Izuku and Ochako grimace from the volume of the older man's voice through their headsets.

"He won't die as long as he dodges!" Katsuki retorts, ripping the pin out of the grenade gauntlet. A small hole where the lever connects to the body of the gauntlet glows bright yellow before the light increases in intensity and size.

The blast fires down the hallway faster than Izuku could react to counter it, the shockwave hitting Izuku first. The force of the explosion breaks his gauntlets and the heat burns the front of his hero suit. In a split second reaction, Izuku covers his face with his arms crossed in front of him. As the fire engulfs him, he channels One for All at his max power. From the crossed position of his arms he quickly moves them under his sides. Throwing his hands away from his body he creates a air force shockwave and erases the massive blast from Bakugou. The force of the shockwave destroyed the entire floor blasting out all the concrete from the walls leaving the steel I beams holding up the floors above him. As the dust and smoke clears Bakugou sees Izuku standing, his chest and arms severely burned from the blast. His muscles drip with blood, burns and sweat as he breathes heavily, finally getting some air in his system.

"WHY WONT YOU DIE!?!?" Bakugou shouts whipping around his other gauntlet and charging a second gauntlet attack. His eyes widen when he hears All Might's voice again through his communicator.

"You fire off that attack one more time you fail this exercise." All Might says sternly, Bakugou scoffs hearing this and turns his eyes back to Izuku.

"Useless quirkless freak. I'll make you wish you died in that fir-" Bakugou is cut off by a punch to the jaw sending him flying into a metal support beam. The impact creates the loud bang of a gong leaving an impression of Bakugou in the steel. He passes out shortly after from the force of the impact.

Izuku huffs from that punch, Damn did it feel good to punch that bastard in the face. He flicks the blood of his knuckles before collapsing to one knee. Out of breath he continues to pant trying to regain his composure. Taking a deep breath and calming his mind, he stands up straight and heads up the stairs of the building to follow where Ochako had gone when the battle started. He doesn't notice his arm bruised and bloodied from an all out attack from One for All. The others look on in shock of what had happened, most of them unable to form words.

"What kind of quirk damages the user to that extent?" Tokoyami says looking at the arm that was damaged by the backlash of One for all.

"I'm not sure, but the amount of adrenalyn in his system is the only thing keeping him from feeling those nasty burns, some of them have already blistered over meaning they could be up to third degree burns over his body. I believe you should call an end to this exercise All Might." Yaoyorozu reasons, tugging on the cape of the number one hero.

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