Accusations of the Successor! Fated Battle Between Men!

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Classes leading up to the heroics class seemed to drag on forever, it was the anticipation of having a class with his predecessor as the teacher that seemed to be the cause. Nevertheless Izuku bided his time, taking notes and studying through the typical high school classes. Even more people were speculating on who now had One for All. It had been only a few days since All Might revealed that he had chosen a successor and the rumors spread like a wild inferno. Hundreds of people are now claiming to be the successor and once again All Might had stated that he swore the successor to secrecy. The world speculated and searched for someone with that awesome power to no end. He didn't know how to feel about this, he felt lucky that he was the chosen successor but also slightly unnerved by the amount of people who wanted the quirk. For now he wouldn't tell anyone, not even his own mother. The only people he would talk to would be the staff at UA. He tried his best to talk with them in secrecy so as to not brew any suspicions from his classmates and the student body.

Bakugou was suspicious from the first second he found out that All Might had chosen a successor, surely it couldn't be Deku right? He was quirkless, why would All Might have chosen such a useless beta and not someone powerful like himself. He brewed on this anger through the classes, staring holes into the wall in front of him. Seeing as Deku sat behind him so he couldn't stare holes into the back of his head. Despite this, he doubted the fact that All Might chose the nerd as his successor, why him of all people? In his mind Deku was just hiding the fact that he held a quirk but hid it from him. "Of course he would hide a quirk." Bakugou thought to himself. "Damn nerd always thinking he's better than me but... Why would he have put up with all that shit if he did have a quirk? That Bastard... He had to have been given One for All." Bakugou grumbles in his thoughts. The idea angers him so much, he snaps the eraser off his pencil. Aizawa death stares him for the sudden wood snapping and the smell of smoke now filling the air. He had unconsciously been using his quirk and had almost set his pencil on fire from the heat in his palms.

"And that's your queue to leave." Aizawa says hearing the bell chime sending the class to their last one for the day. "Your assignment pages are on the board and are due on thursday. Head on to the Heroics basics class." Aizawa says before wrapping himself up in his sleeping bag and curling up on the floor.

"I swear he was in that same spot yesterday." Kaminari remarks as they leave the room, Aizawa opens an eye and winks to Deku as he knows the secrets that Aizawa has in the classroom.

"He probably has a heating pad right there on the floor or it's just close to the outlet so he can warm his beanbag by plugging it in." Sero replies, slinging his book bag over his shoulder and exiting the room.

"I wonder who the next teacher is going to be, I heard All Might is a teacher here now." Mina says as the students make their way down the halls towards their next class.

"He said he chose the person that now has One for All. If you ask me I think he just said that to get the media off his back." Todoroki says in a slightly indifferent tone.

"All Might wouldn't be one to lie Todoroki, even if the media was hounding him at all hours." Yaoyorozu says with Izuku nodding in approval.

"It would have to be someone pure of heart and showed the traits of a natural born hero. It could be someone with a super flashy and powerful quirk or no quirk at all. Whoever it was has a huge target on their back now." Iida explains making hand gestures.

"Like All Might would give One for All to some quirkless nobody." Katsuki scoffs at the idea but is shot down by Izuku.

"We've never seen All Might use any other power except for One for All, when that All for One guy revealed it to the world he said it was given to him. For all we know he could have been quirkless as well before getting One for All or at least had a useless quirk before he was gifted the power." Izuku mumbles before his theory is backed up by both Todoroki and Ochako.

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