I smiled knowing I helped someone. "Thank you. I did the best I could. I have been watching too much grey's anatomy and the good doctor."

      He laughed and it went silent for a second. "Did I ever tell you, you surprise me?"

      "No but is that a good thing?" I asked, running my hands through my hair.

      "Yes. Yes it is."

      "I don't know why but I'm glad."

       "I'm glad you're glad." I can tell he was smiling through the phone. "Oh I forgot to tell you. We're not going out anymore."

      "Wait why not? Did I miss something?" A couple of minutes ago he wanted to go out. Now all of sudden they wanted to stay in?

      "We're coming over."

      "Over where?" I'm a little slow. "Wait my house?"



      "Why not?"

      "But why though?"

       He laughed through the phone again. "China shut up. We're coming over in 10. Be ready okay? See ya." He hung up just like that and I was left standing there in my room.

     I decided to change because I didn't want anybody seeing me in a tank top. I had no bra on because it was low-key annoying having one on. I grabbed a bra inside my drawer and put it on. After, changing I grabbed my art book inside my bed and hid it under my pillow.

      I got a phone call again and I groan, picking it up. "Yes, Sofia?"

      "Um, we're going to a party instead." She said as if they didn't just change their minds for the second time.

       I rolled my eyes. "God damnit, make up your damn minds!"

      "Sorry!" She giggled. "Promise this is the last time. Thomas insisted. He said he wanted to party during thanksgiving break before school starts."

      "Can you believe it's been months since I moved back here? And it's already thanksgiving."

"I can't believe it either, girl."

"Are you on your way here?"

      "Yeah. We'll be there in 5. Talk to you when I get there?"

      "Alright. Be safe." I said as I hung up and began to pick up the clothes that were on the floor in my room, and threw it inside my basket of dirty clothes.

      I ran my hand threw my hair and scrolled on instagram, looking through funny videos and models much prettier than me. I began to feel a little jealous and threw my phone besides me on the bed and ran my hands on my face.

      Here I go again. Stressing over insecurities and shit. I hated it and I have to put on my happy face as soon as they get here. I know I haven't been talking about it but when I had my anxiety attack weeks ago, I felt different. Bad different.

      I wondered if I should tell Clarissa about it, or even Ariana. I haven't spoke to her in two days. She has been busy with practice, when she's usually home, I'm either at work or sleeping, or probably out at the library. Speaking of Ariana, I heard a knock on my door.

      "Come in." I said as I sat up on my bed, straightening myself to look healthy and happy. Ariana's face appeared and I smile at her. "Hey."

      "Hey, Chi." She walked in and shut the door behind her. "How's it going? Watchu up to?" She plopped on the bed next to me.

      "Nothing, really. I'm just waiting for Sofia to come pick me up. How about you?"

       "Same. Where you guys going?" She asked.

      "She wants to go to a party."

      She jumped out of my bed and skipped to my closet. "Oh my god, are you wearing a dress?" She opened it and put her hands on her hips. "Is China gonna wear a dress? Am I dreaming?"

      I laughed. "Maybe."

      She clapped. "Ah! You're so gonna look hot. Even that Cameron not gonna run after you."

     I raised my eyebrows. "What boy now? Ariana how many times do-"

     "China, shut up. Have you seen the way he looks at you? He looks like he would give you the world." She grabbed a black dress in my closet and threw it on my bed.

      "That's a complete lie. Do you know that the way he speaks to me. It's like he hates me or something."

      "Okay but that's because he's trying not to fall for you.

      I laughed. "You can dream a lot."

       I heard the doorbell ringed and she shrugged. "I'm gonna go get that. You stay up here and change." She closed the door and I heard her screaming. "Sofia!!!" It's crazy how close these two are.

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