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Los Angeles is busy, so distinct from Florida, all the time. Florida is certainly hotter, however. I can't say I'm not missing Florida. I made a strong impression here on everyone. I wanted to hide my misery from everyone. And even Clarissa believed I was doing well. I figured new home, new me. I don't want Clarissa to be concerned. I'd weep away my pain, rage, and depression sometimes at night..

I miss my family. I know that Ariana and Clarissa are my family but I miss mom and dad. I miss Travis. I miss the way we used to have dinner every afternoon and talk about our day. I miss the way he would come into my room to check up on me.

Now, all I do is eat alone in my bed. It seems like I've got Ariana and Clarissa, but I feel so lonely. Clarissa goes to work most of the time. She arrives home at 1 in the morning. When she's at home is when I'm at school. Ariana tried out for the basketball team and she's always at practice.

I'm way too drained to try anything out. And I'm never going to draw ever again. It used to be said by people that I have a gift. But I stopped drawing after Mom and Dad died. I've stopped everything I used to do. I've begun reading. Sleeping, mostly.

Sleep tends to take away the pain.

It was finally Saturday. I have been wondering about getting a job this whole week. A part time job right now sounds amazing. I wanted to help out Clarissa with bills. Plus, I wanted to buy my own lunch. Clarissa told me not to worry about it. I'm glad she's so caring, but with people wasting things on me, I'm not really happy. No matter what it is.

Near the corner of a quieter street, my attention is caught by the looming scent of rich food. FELIX stands out in front a restaurant with a brightly lit exterior, painted in bold with red letters in capital letters.

I noticed the small note written in cursive, in the corner of the window. Staff wanted!

I smiled and went inside, pulling my headphones out my ears.

"Good morning, hello." The beautiful women smiled behind the counter.

There are a few people around here and I looked around. The place was arranged quite well. I smiled at her, walking closer to the counter. "Morning."

"What do you want to order?" she pointed at the menu above her.

I shook my head. "Yeah, no. I'm not here to order. You've got a nice restaurant."

"Thank you." She examine me. My hair is tied in a ponytail on my back. My face is free from all things. Before looking for a job, I certainly should have put a little more effort into my appearance.

"I wanted to apply here for a job—"

"If you like, the job is yours."

"You're not serious" I stumble over my words as she chuckles. Nobody just offers you such a job. There's a hiring process. The orientation and all.

"You seem to be a sweet girl. I was looking for a person that would be a good match for the role. You seem like you would."

"Are you serious?" She laughed at my shock. "I haven't had experiences working in a rich restaurant like yours. And there's plenty of people who have better experiences than me-"

"Don't you work to get experience? It would be your experience if you worked in this place." I see what she did there. "You're welcome to come in on Monday if you want this job. I'm going to train you. We can talk about the pay and when you can work. It's cool if you don't."

"No, that's great." I return her bright smile, still surprised. That was too easy. "Thank you so much. I will be on time. I won't let you down."

"I'm sure you won't." A customer came closer to the counter trying to order. "I'll see you on Monday...what's your name?"


"Okay, China. See you on Monday."


I finally got home and the smell of pizza immediately hit my nose. I heard voices coming from the living room and I locked the door behind me. I spotted Ariana on the couch with someone I didn't recognize.

She looked up at me. "Oh, hey, Chi." She stood up. "This is Maya. Maya this China, my cousin."

"Hey." She said. "Nice to meet you."

"Wassup. You too."

"Me and Maya was just talking. She's in the basketball team. And turns out her brother is Cameron."

"The guy next door?-" I asked but was interrupted by Maya.

"Oh no. Cameron doesn't live next door. He was just visiting someone there." Maya stated.

I nodded. Ariana plopped back on the couch. "Anyway, how was your job hunt?"

I smiled remembering I got the job. It all went by so fast. "I got the job. I thought it was gonna be difficult but it was easy I met the owner of the restaurant. She hired me."

"Already?" She turn her head back on me. I was standing behind the couch. "Well that was fast. If it was that easy, I should've went with you."

"Do you want a job?"

"I want one too but not yet. I have basketball practice. I can get a job when the season is over."

I nodded. "I'm off to my room."

"Wait. You don't want pizza? You haven't ate since this morning and it's now twelve in the afternoon."

I shook my head. "I'm not hungry."

"You always say that. You need to stop before you die on me, girl." She said as I turn my head to look at Maya. She was on her phone and I look back at Ariana.

"Don't bring this up." I mouthed.

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever. You're eating later today though."

I ran upstairs to my room and shut the door behind me. I sigh and took off my shoes and jump on my bed. I layed back, starring at the ceiling fan. Okay now I'm bored.

I decided to go on YouTube.

After a while of watching endless videos, I decided to do some homework. One of my teachers gave me an essay to do. It pissed me off. I don't like essays and it was my first day. Give me a break.

I sat down on the table next to my bed. I opened my laptop and grabbed my bag that was on the table. I rather do this now then do it tomorrow so let's just get this over with.

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