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I'm not ready. I'm ready. I'm not ready.

Fuck it. I'm ready. Clarissa grabbed my hands. She looked at me and tightened the grip. I can feel her and Ariana starring at me. We faced the building in front of us that we call a prison. I held back my tears.

I was on the verge of crying again.

"Baby, you got this." Clarissa said.

I nodded. I sigh. Let's just get this over with. I dragged them inside and made out way to the front desk. "Hello." My voice cracked.

The man didn't greet us back. "Name of inmate?"

"Travis McClain." I answered.

"Name, Address, phone number, & ID, please." she insisted.


I sat down staring at the glass wall in front of me. There was a phone on my right and i noticed my brother walking towards us. The cop besides him stopped, looked at me, then looked away. he stood up, starring straight, waiting for us to continue. Travis sat down in front me and grabbed the phone beside him.

"Little sis." He sounded like he was happy to see me. I can tell he was also sad, but he was always good at suppressing his emotions.

"Big brother." I smiled.

"You're nervous." He stated.

I nodded. "I missed you so much." A tear fell down my left cheek. "It's been so hard without you."

He smiled. "Relax, Chi, I'm not dead. I'm gonna be out in a couple weeks. I just have to keep being good so my out time can come sooner."

I nodded. "Sorry, i'm being dramatic."

He looked over at my aunt and cousin. "Hey, guys. Ariana you got taller! Already?"

"Quiet down!" The security guy behind him said. Travis rolled his eyes.

Ariana laughed. "I just grew a little that's all. Plus, it helps with basketball."

Clarissa nodded. "Yeah she's actually good at it too."

"You play basketball now? That's what's up. Any boyfriends I should know about?"

Clarissa gave her Ariana a look. Ariana laughed. "Chill Ma, I'm focusing on school and basketball. Besides, you should be asking China that question." She smirks and I immediately knew what she was talking about. I rolled my eyes.

He tensed up. "China. You have a boyfriend?" Don't worry brother, I'm not into these kind of men anymore.

I shook my head. "No, I don't know what she's talking about."

"Yes, you do. That lil white boy you be hanging with, with you and your friends" She said in a duh tone.

"That's Sofia's friend. We all just hang in group, Ariana."

"You're still friends with Sofia? That's good. She's a nice girl." He looked away and I raised my eyebrow. Travis had a little crush on Sofia before but he never told her.

"I am. We wasn't friends for a while but we made up. I missed her, I'm not gonna lie."

"Mhmm, so who's this lil white boy?"

I blushed. "No one."

"Stop playing with me."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't worry, Travis. Me and are him not together. We're not even friends."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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