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wednesday , july 1st 2020
i will try to update every week. i think it's been more than 25 days since the last chapter. sorry about that btw💗 just have stuff going on.


It was decided. We were gonna move to california. I wasn't upset when i heard my aunt talking about it but when she said it to me, verbally, I got a little freaked out. I wasn't ready. Like you know those times when something doesn't hit hard the first time but it hits harder the second time? Yeah.

I know a lot of people back home. Yes California and Florida are both my home. I felt more home in California back when my parents were here.

But it is what it is.

I have been practicing my entrance for school in California. Yes, don't laugh. Because i was known by a lot of people over there, but only because of my brother and Antonio.

"Are you ready, China?" Ariana opened my door open slightly.

I was looking at the view through my window. There was a group of teenagers out there i normally watch. They were always having play fights out there. It wasn't exactly play fighting. It was friends fighting to win prizes. Most of the time the prize is money.

It was dangerous but it was fun for them. It was also fun for me watching it. I enjoyed it, only because it was entertaining not because they were beating each other up. The loser gets nothing. While the winner gets the prizes. They also stream it on live on instagram.

I turn around and sigh, "I'm gonna miss this place." I sat on my bed, patting next to me.

She got the signal and sat next to me. "I know. I'm gonna miss my friends."

I shrugged. "I'm glad I didn't have any friends so I don't have to miss anyone while being gone."

"That's your fault for not having friends"

I rolled my eyes. We're leaving most of our things here. My aunt already have a house in Cali. We're only taking things that's valuable like our clothes etc.

"Are you girls ready?" My aunt came to view.

We nodded our heads and walk out the room.

"We have everything ready right?" Clarissa asked. "We need to be be at the airport in an hour. Let's go"

Everything was already in the car. So we got out the house and she locked the door. I hoped in the passengers seat and put my seatbelt on. i plug my headphones in my ear and decided to put on some music.

The car ride was comfortable and silent. Clarissa was driving and Ariana was in the back watching something on her phone. I watched as the cars go by and i saw a woman sitting on the ground with three kids in the sidewalk.

It made me feel horrible. Memories flash through my head. I remember being like that once with my family. My dad had left my mom on the dirt. He threw my mom out after finding out she was pregnant again.

You the know what the worst thing is? He threw all of us out. Even his own children. He started saying that we weren't his child. I been living his roof for four years ever since i was born so why you wanna say this now? Why all of sudden you feel that way?

It made no sense. My mom was stressing a lot. It was hard for her to find a job. She didn't have a job before because she was pregnant and she had quit her job just to take care of us at home. She didn't wanna work while being pregnant either. I remember her telling me that.

We was sleeping on the streets for weeks. She was stressing and barely had food. Which made her got a miscarriage. She was devastated, hurt, angry, sad, all the above.

A man was driving by and he seen us and asked what were we doing outside so late. My mom has hesitated to tell him because she was embarrassed of what happened to us. She couldn't quite understand why she got kicked out. There has to be another reason.

He can't just outta nowhere say it's not his child. But the man understood and didn't wanna force my mom into explaining her situation. So he did what a man with a kind heart would do. He took us in.

He fed us. Made sure we had a roof over our backs. Made sure we had clothes. Made sure my mom was taken care off and find a job what was good for her.

Being on the street made us sick but we became healthy again. All thanks to the man who i call my father now. I miss them so much. I miss dad. I miss mom. I miss Travis. It still breaks my heart. But i will see him when he gets out.

"Are you excited?" Clarissa interrupted my thoughts. We stopped at a red light and she turned to look at me as she smiled.

I didn't look at her. I just shrugged. I wasn't excited to go there but i was excited to see my brother. "I'm not really excited. I just wanna see Travis again."

She nodded. "I know, I wanna see him too." She started driving again. "We all will visit him when we get there. Okay?"

I nodded.

After a moment of silence, Ariana's voice filled the car. "This show is good"

"What are you watching?" I asked her.


I smiled. "That's favorite show, girl."

Yes, Euphoria is my favorite show of all time. I love the acting. I love Zendaya. I don't quite understand everything goes in the show but I like the story line. And let's be honest, I wouldn't be watching it if Zendaya wasn't in it. No cap.

"Really? Who's your favorite character?" She asked eyes wide open.

I can't help but laugh at her. "Rue, the main character, of course."

"I didn't know you were interested in those. You're always sad all the time." She rolled her eyes.

I grabbed my empty water bottle next to me and threw it at her. "Shut up"

She laughed and went back to watching her show. I continued listening to music, starring out the window, watch cars pass by. Minutes later, I fell asleep.

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