14: Impossible Love

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'Cause all of this distance, we couldn't make it near

How can I love you when you're not even there...

This impossible love...

Bugoy Drilon, Impossible Love


"Tell me if you need anything. I'll call later for your turn."

"Ok!" Kyoko smiled at the production assistant who gave her the updated script for the next sequence. As she was stretching her arms, she looked up at the bright blue, cloudless sky. With the sunlight on her face, she closed her eyes and sighed. A production assistant. That's what she was before. Finally, she has gone this far.

It's been months since she auditioned for the Dark Moon's lead. And like what other people would say, nothing beats hard work. Kyoko proved to the producers that she was suitable for the role. That time, she decided to fight for every chance. As time goes by, she believed that opportunities are for those who are well-prepared, so she kept on improving herself and underwent careful training for it. In the end, the producers were convinced and now, they were on the final phase of the shooting.

The story of Dark Moon centered around the romance of two childhood friends, Deion and Mia, who were separated after an accident related to their fathers. They both lived in different worlds, but fate made them reunited when Mia joined an intercampus tournament for badminton. As they fought for love, they would find out the secret behind their past.

The love story took place in a campus set up but with a touch of modern culture compared to the original. There were changes in scripts and some scenarios to fit in modern times. The same goes for the characters.

The actress who took the role 20 years ago was kind of athletic in shape because the character was supposedly a badminton player. It was the huge difference that the producers saw as soon as she first stepped into the audition room. It was obvious that she was not an athlete type. Feminine? Maybe. She's only 5' 2" tall and, well... was more on the cute side. A girl who was perceived as someone who didn't do sports.

But she was determined that her appearance won't hinder any project she would make. She must break the stereotyping for the girls like her. That's why she carefully prepared for it and changed a bit, of course. In a short time, she consistently went to the gym and managed to get physically fit. What matters the most was to be able to lift a badminton rocket, right? To grasp the proper stance in playing badminton, right? She did her best to learn the sport. But more importantly, she made the producers realize that what matters the most was how she would interpret the character.

The said remake was highly anticipated for this year. Though she was just a newcomer, some people looked forward to her performance. But harsh comments and comparisons from the original were unavoidable.

If you let a single criticism stopped you from what you are doing, you won't get anywhere else... Whenever she encountered hate comments, Kyoko would always hold on to these words. To Ren's words.

Thinking of him, the phone call she made when she first failed the audition was the last time she heard from him. Nothing more. She was still quite salty whenever their conversation played in her mind. ...I am still here by your side... But where was he now? She never had the opportunity to tell him the good news of getting the role, not even to his shadows.

There are times she had bumped into Will or Cindy on the building premises, but never with Ren. She wanted to ask them about him, but that might sound strange. Ren also didn't do postings on social media. The last post he had was the promotion of his project with Nova. So the only things she knew about him nowadays were the gossips she occasionally stumbled on SNS. The continuous shooting of his recent project... and his continuous dating rumor with his female counterpart, Wenxi.

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