5: The breakthrough

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"After all, tomorrow is another opportunity to grab the chance to step out into the sunlight."

Kyoko Mogami, Skip Beat


She's bored! It's been four days since she got back from the shoot and she was just staying at her apartment, with nothing to do but to stare at the TV.

As soon as she went back, she immersed herself in watching movies and observed the characters. She studied every movement and reaction from the casts. She did it nonstop. But today, she felt like she already watched all the list on Netflix and no other film or series could catch her interest anymore.

She also couldn't ask Kathy out because that friend would insist on continuing her studies rather than staying in this ridiculous idea. They were starting the semester and Kyoko was running out of any excuses to go on. No job at James' agency. Just lost the job in a production company. She was injured and in need of a week's rest.

When she thought she could start this journey, why did she always have the lousy things?

It felt like she's at the dead end. Even though the director would casted her in their next film, it was definitely not in the near future. And lastly, how could she take revenge on Nova if she lost everything. She hated the idea that someone was laughing at her miserable state. She must think of ways to get back as she's running out of time.

She will not accept defeat!

As she was mindlessly browsing the list of movies, she got the idea. She will watch Ren's movies and series! All of them and she will start from the very beginning!

Let her make this clear, she's not being obsessed or what. If you want to see his progress in acting, you would do the same right? Like what she said, she was deeply affected when they act together. She somewhat wanted to be an actress who could make her co-stars respond in such a way she needs them to be.

She immediately searched it in every free online viewing site. It was kind of difficult to find some of his earlier works, and some were kind of pixelated to watch.

When she was about to start watching for his fifth movie, her phone rang. It was Evelyn.

"Hi, Evelyn! How's the shoot?"

"We're doing fine! Except for you-know-who!"

"What's the tea?" She excitedly asked.

Evelyn told her how Nova suffered making the action scenes but couldn't complain or demand. Well, making an action film requires physical preparation. She should have known better.

They both giggled when Evelyn remembered something. "By the way, I call you because I got something!"


"We referred you to E.M. Entertainment and they invited you to join their drama classes!"

Upon hearing this, she couldn't help but squeal in joy! E. M. Entertainment?! James Kim's agency! Finally!

But a thought suddenly stopped her from rejoicing. "Does he know?"


"Ren," she didn't know why she whispered but she felt a little awkward to say his name, especially she's currently binge-watching his movies.

"Uhmm... I don't know, he's busy. So when will you be available? Is your ankle now okay?"

"Kind of inflated still and hurts a bit. But I always put cold compress so it would be fine in days."

Love Action!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें