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Inko smiled at her little boy at work. It was good he had other hobbies than hero stalking. "So this is the same you have in your armor."

"Well the main suit is a late alpha model. I just need the parts for the finished model." Izuku said "I'm making good strides with an aluminum and carbon mix but I've got some ideas for a better one." Izuku said.

Inko looked in the mirror and that feeling came back. The one in the gym and when she was with Mitsuki. Her life was definitely gonna be interesting.


When she saw the flying armor Mei had called Izuku and the green haired inventor had told her to wait until tomorrow.

Mei hadn't slept that night too excited to learn about the suit.

When Mei arrived with her notebook and a few blueprints she saw the red and gold armor disassembled and laid out on the desk. Mei had looked at Izuku and he just nodded saying "Stark Industries would like to purchase your services in the construction of a company project. This is a private project."

Mei eyes had started to glitter and she rushed over to see the blueprints of the gilded knight.

Izuku showed her the plan and the goal of adding nano-repulsors to the plates and making a thinner and stronger undersheath. "I'm thinking, a composite."

Mei read the notes and added her input.

The two bounced back ideas and when Izuku had mentioned Damascus Steel Mei had slammed her hands on the table. "You know how to make Damascus Steel?!"

Izuku reached into his tool box and pulled out a hammer. The metal looked as if it was a liquid metal frozen in place. Mei grabbed his shoulders and said "Teach me, Senpai!" Her eyes turned into hearts again.

Izuku grabbed her hands and gently lifted them off him "Never call me that again."

Mei hadn't said anything. "Alright I'll teach you how to make it. But don't go spreading it around. I plan on using the recipe to start Stark Construction."


Mei had, after completely soiling the front of her panties, had been shown the structure and created a mix of metals and materials for a new undersheath. "Where exactly are we gonna get that much platinum though?"

"Well we could mine it." Izuku said.

"Don't we need a mine?" Mei said.

Izuku pointed to his red armor and said "It's got a deep crust scanner. We could search japan. Or head to Africa. Or any other country really."

Mei nodded excitedly.

Izuku checked the time and had to get Mei home. "We can keep going!"

"Mei you need sleep." Izuku said.

Mei tried to argue "If you sleep tonight I'll make you new tools."

Mei accepted the deal and Izuku suited up and took her home.

After dropping Mei off Izuku headed to the outskirts of town and began a deep scan of the land.


Izuku had woken up to find Mei ringing on his door first thing in the morning. "Ready to get that platinum?"

"Already got it. Let's get it smelted and see if the design works." Izuku said yawning and heading into the garage.

Izuku pulled out a manrique of himself with ports around its body. The undersheath would be constructed of miniature triangles that folded and could store in an extremely compact form. The old sheath could fold into a softball sized box but if Mei's design and his new wiring plan worked it could fit an entire sheath into a marble.

Mei and Izuku worked tirelessly. Each triangle needed to be placed exactly the right way or the memory metal wouldn't unravel correctly.

"Hey I always wondered. What's your quirk?" Mei asked as she was working on the left arm as Izuku was up to his right mid thigh.

"Does it really matter?" Izuku asked, lifting his mask he was using to magnify his vision. "What's your quirk?"

"Oh it's called zoom. I basically have an electron microscope in each eye." Mei said tongue sticking out as she steadily applied the triangles.

The two worked in relative silence. Izuku had finished up to the waist and Mei was putting on the final part of the abs.

"Jarvis, scan and run a wire diagnostic."

"Testing electrical connection now sir."

The manrique had glowed as wires inside it had tested.

"Suit is sealed and properly constructed sir." 

"Hey why does the manrique have all these ports?" Mei asked.

"You know how the other one is thicker and has a bunch of chips in it?" Izuku said "This one won't."

Mei looked at it then back to Izuku and a quick zoom in she saw a few scars. "What did you need that ceramic carbine for again?"

"A little biology project." Izuku said.

Mei looked at him and his eyebrow raised.

"Where is the carbine?" Mei asked.

Izuku brought a hand to his face. "In here. And here. And down here." Pointing around his body.

Mei covered her mouth and she looked horrified. "What's the problem?" Izuku asked "Technology needs to go on. You won't get anywhere without pushing limits."

"But...to put something inside you without knowing if it works. I'm all for testing something but not if it's...installed into a human body." Mei said.

Izuku tapped a button and the suit retracted into the ports of the clear manrique. Tiny beads of the suit separated into the limbs and chest of the manrique. No pellet bigger than an M&M.

"We can make more triangles and probably triple layer the entire thing and each bead will be the size of a marble." Izuku said.

Mei had actually stopped trying to decide if it was a good idea to let Izuku put these things into his body. "Mei. I know it's a little much but I can't let something stop me from putting as much as I can into finishing the suit."

"Will UA even let you use this?" Mei asked.

"Not for the entrance exam but for an everyday hero costume." Izuku said.

Mei gulped and nodded "Let's finish this thing."

Iron Man IzukuWhere stories live. Discover now