"Do not. Please. Just wrap it. My back wasn't even nearly as bad, I'd really rather have you stick me on a tree again." I feel his tendrils tighten, another one wrapping around my waist.

I try to struggle against them. Squirming in everyway possible way, not being able to move as he tightens even more. He's standing now, towering over me. I clench my eyes shut, everything so loud in my ears, the drops of my tears, blood, and peroxide from before hitting the floor.

Waiting for him to ring out the rag onto my chest, I stay put, my hot tears coming at heavy waves, I move at a minimal as I brace for the hot pain. even being stabbed by the tree wasn't that bad. I'd prefer that over this any day

"Stay put. Do not move." His voice was louder with my over heightened senses. My hands try to go up to my ears in response, but to no avail as I'm stuck there.

Instead of the rag I see the bottle.

"Ah s-shit." My already shaky voice trembling, as he pours it. The liquid burning my inside, making me violently shake.

"Fucking cunt!" I feel his tendrils slowly loosen, my nails digging into my thighs as I wait for it to stop burning.

The pulsing of overwhelming pain making me groan and shake. My whole body feeling weak as he puts me back down onto the toilet. I didn't even notice he put me there until I started to fall over, making me jerk back into a sitting position.

Exhaustion from not sleeping properly in the past week taking over quickly. The shout taking it out of me completely.

"There, all done. Now let me find the bandage." Without enough power to glare at him, I let my eyes close. My arms are lifted as I feel something soft wrap around my upper arm and torso. Scars from previous events covering my skin.

I hear the clip pop as I open my eyes.

"Okay leave giant, I need to wash my hair." A slight laugh enters my mind as I wait for the door to creak open. "Erm, thank you. I guess." He looks at me quizzically before shaking his head and leaving.

I turn towards the shower and look down to my chest. How the fuck am I going to do this. Holy shit I'm dumb. Meh. I'll figure it out.

Turning on the hot water, I lean slightly into the tub. All of my hair going to the front as I get all of it wet. Water trailing up my arms, stopping at my elbows. I grab the soap beside me, quickly putting it into my hair and scrubbing. My head goes back into the water, soap now trailing down my face and up my arms, making the floor slightly wet.

I quickly turn it off and grab the towel beside me. Ruffling my wet hair and quickly running a brush through it. Only to bring the towel back through it. I pull most of it back, tying it into a low ponytail. Water slightly running down my back as I forgot a shirt in here.

I hang the towel back up, open the door and leave up towards my room, avoiding slender who has just walked through the doors towards the kitchen to my left. I quickly run up the stairs to my room. Almost slamming the door the minute I walked in.

I throw on a black shirt and pick up the blood stained sweater, picking it up to go back down the stairs towards the laundry room.

I open the door, to see Ben standing near it. Just staring at it.

"Ben? Is the washing machine taken?"
His head snaps towards me as he quickly shakes his head, glitching slightly.

"N-no not at all. I was just, looking I g-g-guess." I nod my head as I throw it into the metal, spinning box. (Don't know about y'all, but my washing machine walks when it's uneven 👀)

I throw the soap into it, shutting the lid as I turn the knob to "regular", and the other knob to "small". Press start and walk away from Ben, who seems to have stopped acknowledging my existence.

I slam the door behind me after I walk out, hearing Ben shriek, "FUCK YOU!" I laugh as I run away. I walk up the stairs slowly, as the event of me scaring Ben replays in my mind over and over. Making me laugh uncontrollably. I see Slender in the corner of my eye, watching me laugh and his head tilts to the side slightly in confusion.

I shake my head, giggles escaping as I continue walking up the stairs before I fall over. I enter my room, the door shutting behind me. As my laughter gets the best of me. Making me fall.

"Shut up! It wasn't even funny!" I hear Ben yell at me from outside my bedroom door.

"Are you shitting me? That was the funniest thing that's ever happened!" I start to laugh harder as he starts mumbling to himself before I hear him laugh as well, glitching along with a couple of them.

"Okay I'm done now. Night Ben." I inhale and exhale slowly. Calming down.

"Night Jeff." I get up off of the floor, taking my shirt off, as I throw it in the corner of the room. Throwing my body onto my bed.

Exhausted, but scared to close my eyes. Scared to sleep.

Will the nightmare come back?

Will Sally hear me?

I don't want any of those.

I'd rather worry about my own self.

Not have to take anyone's advice I know won't help. Because what would be the point? Right?

🐊discontinued🐊I'm Fucked Aren't I? (Slenderman x Jeff)Where stories live. Discover now