chapter sixteen. confessions

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IT DID NOT GET ANY WARMER. In fact, it had actually gotten colder as they got deeper into winter. This season was not kind to the group of survivors. Carl had gotten sick and had spread it to Jax, making everyone eager to find medicine for the brothers. Ellie had found some in the cabinet of a home they stayed in for a couple days, before walkers found it, forcing them to search for another home.

Ellie and Jax were currently on a short trip downtown for some supplies. Food and medicine was mostly what they needed and the two were eager enough to volunteer to get it. Jax's feet stomp hard on the leaves, his gun low on his side. Ellie was right behind him, her knives out in front of her.

Her eyes scan her surroundings, stopping at the back of Jax's head. "Awfully quiet out here."

Jax stops, turning around sharply. "You just jinxed it." He says with a straight face.

Ellie scoffs, shaking her head. "That doesn't exist, Jax."

"Oh, yeah?" He stops talking and raises his eyebrows, eyes motioning to the left.

She inhales shakily as she watches a walker come towards them, Jax killing it with ease with the knife he had in its sheath on his thigh. He smirks slightly at the girls shocked expression.

"Whatever." Ellie says as she flickers her eyes up ahead, spotting a small cabin in the distance. "Jax, I think that's it."

Jax looks up, his smile becoming even wider. "Oh, fuck yeah." He runs up towards it and Ellie follows, them stopping right at the entrance.

"Okay..." Jax trails off, turning towards Ellie. "Ready?"

She nods, holding up her weapon before he swings the door open, silence following. The two look at each other with confused expressions, taking a couple steps into the house.

Jax whistles lowly, the two being on high alert with their weapons just in case something had lunged at them. They wait a couple more seconds before lowering their weapons, but still holding them at their side.

"Okay, guess it's already cleared out." Jax chuckles, walking into another room.

Ellie walks on the opposite side towards the kitchen, sighing deeply while opening the cabinets. She finds a couple of canned food, throwing them in her bag. Jax comes back into the room, zipping up his bag, the stuff in it barely fitting. "I got a couple clothes for Carl. Mom too."

"Hmm." Ellie grabs something off the shelve, inspecting it. It was a broken snow globe, the inside of it being a smaller version of downtown Atlanta, her smiling softly at the memories with her and her whole family going on trips before her parents had gotten divorced. "Have you talked to Rick?"

Jax clears his throat loudly at the mention of his father, moving closer towards the living room. "No." He pauses, shaking his head. "No, I have nothin' to say to him."

"Cause he lied?"

He shrugs, looking into her eyes. "I don't really know. I just..." Jax shrugs and exhales shakily, placing his knife back in it's sheath. "From the CDC, to what happened at the farm." He says lowly, leaning on the kitchen counter. He avoids eye contact with her and Ellie knows it's because he doesn't like to express his feelings ever.

Ellie sighs at the mention of the farm, pulling her hair behind her ear anxiously. "Jax, I have to tell you somethin'." She exhales shakily, now getting his full attention. "Rick didn't kill Shane." Her blue eyes dart to the ground, her swallowing nervously. "I did."

"What?" Jax breathes out in shock. "What-what are you talkin' about, El?" He chuckles uncomfortably, moving closer to her, the two now being a couple feet apart.

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