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I went back to the same cell i left before, this time accompained by an armed guard.

I wanted to ask him some questions, but i couldn't muster the courage to, especially with how intimidating he looked.

I walked into the room and he shut the door behind me.

I still couldn't believe what was happening here, this had to be a nightmare or something.
I layed back on the bed and closed my eyes, trying to ignore the empty feeling in my stomach.

I wished it had all been a dream, that when I opened my eyes I would wake up  in my school desk or even better, at home.

But when I opened them I was greeted once again by the unwelcoming black void.
Looking around I found myself once more on that strange platform.
It was relaxing in a way, completely silent, looking up and seeing stars surrounded by complete darkness.

My moments of peace were interrupted by a distant scratching, I quickly got up and decided to investigate.

Could it be that someone else was here?
The sound led me to a particular wooden door, near the edge of the platform which was quite ripped and cracked.

I mustered up my courage and tried to open it but as it didn't have a handle I just pushed it with both hands.

The moment when I touched the door, whatever was on the other side made me jump as it lunged against the door making a loud thud.

-What was that!?
-Who is there?!  -Said a voice inside, which seemed to be suffering.

It had a rather hostile tone for the situation she was in.

-H-Hello? -I stuttered, nearing the door.

-I'll ask again.
-Who are you?

Her voice sounded distorted, as if it was coming out of a broken speaker.

-I-I don't think I should give you my m-my name.

-You're quite strange. How are you talking to me?

-I don't know.

-You are useless to me then, I am trapped in this place and the only thing that can help me is ...

-Wait, you're not from this world, right
-I can feel it, every time you move or make a sound.
-The slight ripple in space and time.

What kind of person or creature was i talking to?  They seemed to know a lot about this place, at least more than I do.

-To be honest, all this has been very confusing for me.
-Yes, I can "jump" between two realities but I'm still not sure wh

-That's strange.

-I'm not strange, I'm just a normal person.

-A person?  Are you human?

I felt its hostile tone get even worse, as if it were clenching it's teeth while talking.

- Yes, but I don't know what that means to you.

-What's your name, human.

I decided not to lie so as not to enrage the creature.

-That's my name.

-Qu-en-- yo--u mig-- -e usef-- --

Their  voice cracked and faded, until i couldn't hear them anymore.


I opened my eyes, hoping to wake up in my bed.
Apparently I was wrong, since the first thing I saw when I opened them was the doctor in khaki pants entering the cell.

-I need you to come with me to ...

It was obvious what they wanted to do with me, but I couldn't refuse either.

We walked again through the white and gray corridors, this time to another part of the building.

A soldier was following us at a distance, probably for any escape attempts i might try to make.

I was still hungry from before, and the scientist seemed to notice and handed me a snack bar that he took out of his pocket.

She looked at me with sadness on her eyes and whispered:

-Those were my daughter's favorites, you know?

-Thank you...?


The rest of the trip was even quieter than the last.

The elevator ride was unbearably silent, it didn't even have elevator music.
The guard stayed behind, so it was only us inside.

When we got out of the elevator I could see that we were in a completely different area than before.

The floors instead of white and gray were now narrow corridors of dark metal.

-To be honest, I'd prefer staying on the top floors.

We continued walking until we heard a distant sound.
I couldn't tell what it was but did it sound like metal ...?
Well, whatever it was, it wasn't a pretty sound.

-Did you hear...

-It's probably nothing.
-Let's contin--


-Oh, that...
-That  doesn't sound good.


SCP 1471 [A one of a kind friend.]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz