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I got halfway through the document and stopped reading.


(I see.)

To them I was just another scp.
An anomaly.
Something to contain.

I didn't know what to think.

I just wanted to go home.
I wanted to close my eyes and turn my brain off.

Maybe wake up at home with Mal0 and mom.
Eat homemade food made with lots of love, and go to school.

I looked at my bloodstained hands.

I'm not a murderer.
I'm just a kid a long way from home.

(It's going to be all right.)
(Everything is going to be all right.) -I kept repeating in my mind.

But my words were empty, I didn't know if I was even going to get out of there alive.

I wanted to give up, but my heart wasn't ready.

I wanted to see my loved ones again and give them a big hug and tell them that I loved them.
I put my hand on my chest and took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves.

I was not going to give up now.

I got up from the ground and walked fowards with renewed determination.

With my mind fixed on my destination reaching it would be an easy task, or so I wanted to think.


I spent the last half hour sneaking and hiding from russian guards and still couldn't find any trace of the exit.

My heart was pounding so hard I was surprised they hadn't heard it.

I had to suppress a scream when the lights suddenly went out.

I didn't know what had happened, but the lights didn't seem to come back on after several minutes.
So I had to walk hugging the wall to guide myself.

A sudden tremor caused me to fall backwards onto the floor.

(What was going on?!)

The distant sounds of gunshots and screams became closer and closer.

(Maybe the foundation had sent soldiers...?)

I didn't know if that was good or bad for me, but I decided to head in that direction, hoping I could find someone from the foundation.


Bumping from time to time with the doors I got closer and closer to the source of the sounds.

Out of nowhere I heard the deafening sound of several guns going off at the same time and then a dull thud, like something hitting the wall.

I heard a radio click and someone speaking in russian.


Well, whatever that was I didn't want to go near it.

I quickly walked backwards, sticking to the wall, being careful not to make any noise.


I could have sworn the air had changed, there was now a strange smell of iron and wet dirt.

Maybe it had rained while I was here, or maybe my nose had started to malfunction after getting hit in the face so many times...

I saw lights on the opposite side of the hallway I was in and hid in a corner,

Lights flooded the hallway I was in and I froze in fear, holding my chest with one hand.
I unconsciously clenched the gun in my right hand and held it steady.

I ducked behind the doorframe and waited for the soldiers to pass, but time passed and they didn't seem to leave.

I tried to walk backwards but something on the ground made me trip and fall.


From what I could feel, it was another dead body, with a russian uniform.

I immediately covered my mouth and tried to get away as fast as possible.
Before I could slip away the lights of their rifles were pointed at me.

I ran without a second thought back the way I had come.

-STOP! -shouted one of the soldiers as he ran after me.


I heard a bullet hit the wall, a few centimeters from my right arm.

-WE WANT HIM ALIVE! -One soldier shouted.

The shot made my ears ring but I kept running, who knew what they would do to me if they caught me.

(Considering that I killed their leader.)

I shook my head and just kept running, I had no time to think about that.

I kept running until I felt my legs burning and then some more.


I hit a door face first and almost lost my balance.
I tried to look for the doorknob but it didn't seem to be there.
I could feel a keycard reader next to the door, but i had no keycard with me.

Knowing I had no way out I turned around and pointed the gun with trembling hands.
What chance did I have against a group of highly trained soldiers armed to the teeth?


So why did I point the gun?


I pointed the barrel of the gun at my temple and put my finger in the trigger.

-STAY BACK! -I shouted into the hallway filled with soldiers.

If they wanted me alive they had no choice but to listen to me.


Thank you for the kind comments about my english!
Still learning though, so I'd appreciate if you could point out typos or hard to read sentences.

Thank you for reading!

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