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I stood there looking at my hands, shaking and covered with blood. With only the sound of my heartbeat pounding in my head.

(Am I a murderer?)


Of course not, he would have done the same thing to me.
But still....

The soldier's hand shook and that made me jump a little.

I quickly grabbed the gun from the soldier's hand, still warm.
At least he couldn't hurt anyone anymore.

I stared at the barrel of the gun for a few seconds.
All my suffering could end here--

I shook my head to try and get those intrusive thoughts out.

I had to escape from here.
I had people to go back to.

I climbed the stairs with shaky legs and pushed the door that I didn't have time to open before.

I was able to move something on the other side of the door by force, it fell to one side with a loud thump.
Apparently a corpse had been blocking the door.

I carefully walked through the door, covering my mouth with my forearm trying not to vomit and continued down the gray hallway.


I could hear the distant sound of guns firing in the distance.
I squeezed the gun tightly, I didn't want to use it, but I still carried it with me just in case.

One door looked different from the others, it was polished and looked less worn than all the others.
It also had a name tag, but I couldn't read russian characters.

My curiosity was heightened by being able to smell something strange.

It was a strong burning smell, as if someone or something was burning inside, I could also hear people talking inside it.

I carefully entered the room and looked out from the darkness.

The soldier with the red beret who had tortured me for so long was in state of panic, stirring his own office in search of something, while simultaneously speaking to someone through a radio.

He was throwing any paper or document he found into the growing fire on the floor, and saving some into a black briefcase.

-Don't worry, we have the walker locked downstairs.


-Yes, it's that Quentin kid.

-No, I haven't broken him.


-I'll go down and get him, and I'll send him to you as soon as I can.

-I understand, sir. -He replied after a few moments.

He dropped the radio on the table and continued his frantic search.

Meanwhile I was in the shadows, with my hands firmly holding the gun.
Clenching my teeth in anger, while trying not to make any sound.

He spoke of me as if I were an object, a package.
Who did he think he was?

I pulled the safety off the gun and the man immediately turned around holding his briefcase.


-It's you.
-Tell me, what are you doing with that gun?
-Children shouldn't be playing with that grown-up stuff. -He added sarcastically.

I had the man who had separated me from Mal0, from home right infront of me.
He was going to pay for separating me from my family.

I raised the gun with trembling hands and pointed it at the man.

-What are you doing?
-Put that thing down, you might hurt someone.

-Will you shut the fuck up?! -I snapped.
-Who the hell do you think you are?!
-You sick fuck!

The soldier just laughed

-I didn't know you made jokes too, walker.
-Don't you know who I am?.
-I guess I'll have to teach you a lesson before I break your neck. -He said, cracking his knuckles.

-I am a man of power, simple as that.

-And with that power you decided to kidnap a 15-year-old just to torture him! -I shouted, waving the gun around.

-Not just a kid, a walker.
"You may be too stupid to understand, but I'm not.
-You have the power to travel between dimensions and safely interact with SCP

-What good is such power to a weak person like you?
-If I control the SCP, I control the world.
-No one would oppose me.
-It would be all mine.
-I would just have to figure out how.
-If only you would open your FUCKING mouth!" he shouted, hitting the desk with his fist.

-You're sick. -I said, putting my finger on the trigger.

-Do you intend to shoot me?
-You don't have the balls to do it, kid.
-You'd better run before I decide to come after you. -He said while taking slow steps towards me like a predator to his prey.


I took a step forward and pulled the trigger without even thinking twice.


-Son of a...-


I pulled the trigger again and again until he stopped moving.

I raised the gun and pointed it at the dying man's skull.


The man who had previously threatened to kill me was lying dead in the middle of the room next to the fire that was growing in size.

I felt no remorse in killing such a rotten, despicable person.
I felt that I had done the world a favor by getting rid of him.
If i had let him live he would have probably done the same thing to other people as well.

I took the case from his hands and left the room which had already taken on a yellowish hue from the fire.

I opened it in the hallway and inside it were several papers in russian letters, but there was one that caught my attention.

It looked like a report and had a photo of me stapled to it.

(Let's see...)

SCP-⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ "Walker"


SCP-⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛is a humanoid entity, measuring approximately 1.73 M and weighing about 57 KG.
It has been able to bring SCP-1471 to a permanent physical plane allowing it to interact with its environment and be seen by people not previously affected by the application.

He has proven to be able to make SCP ⬛⬛⬛ although there is no record of his interaction in his old containment chamber.

Currently, he has demonstrated docile behavior as long as he is accompanied by SCP-1471, his relationship prior to his containment is still unknown.

The reason he was captured and contained is due to his strange ability to walk between realities.
He is unable to make those jumps when deprived of his  mobile device model: ⬛⬛⬛⬛ Which was examined and no technical flaw exists beyond a broken screen.

It is currently dismantled and stored in the secure object storage at site-⬛⬛

He has demonstrated the ability to interact with dangerous SCPs, including ⬛⬛⬛ and SCP ⬛⬛⬛ It is not known why, but the subject claims it is because of "a strange stone platform" which he visits in his dreams.

There is currently no proof that this platform exists.


Something something, bad english, still learning.

Thank you for reading!

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