Chapter One -- "desolate haven"

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"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards

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"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." -Soren Kierkegard

" -Soren Kierkegard

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As the dinner crowd dwindles, the once-bustling street grows quiet, and the neon lights of the Diner flicker and go out. The scent of rum wafts through the air as I pour Naty's fourth drink. With a quick push, I slid her the glass, plastering a quick smile on my face before returning to the other side of the bar to clean up.

I desperately hope tonight is one of those nights Naty forgot to eat something and would tap out early. I didn't have the patience or energy to hang out with her while she downed an entire bottle of Captain Morgan. With a quick glance at her disheveled appearance and flushed complexion, I knew she hadn't eaten recently.

Thank God.

"K-Kae?" Naty slurs as she fumbles with the already empty glass. "Could yah close out my tab?"

I smiled with a nod, knowing very well her going home wouldn't free me from work.

Naty hiccups as she pulls out her wallet from her purse. After a moment of rifling through her cash, she slaps down two twenties.

I realize where she slapped down the cash and suppressed a groan. Of course, she would slap it directly into some unknown, watery substance on the counter. Calming my annoyance, I smiled at her, carefully lifting the cash off the counter.

"Can I call Jerry for you?" I ask with false hope. I know without a doubt Naty will decline my offer; she always does. But when I recall the now empty whiskey bottle, I know I must be persistent this time. "How about the next time you come in, I'll treat you to a drink, on the house-just as long as you let Jerry come and pick you up."

Naty rolls her deep brown eyes as an impish smile tug about her thin lips. "Whatever floats yer boat. I can, could, drive, yah know."

I laugh quietly at her drunken confidence. "Oh, just humor me. Can't have my favorite customer falling asleep at the wheel, can I?" Naty rolls her eyes again, but I did not miss her genuine smile.

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