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victorie thank you for finally having the guts to ask my dad for my hand in marriage, can't wait for what comes next.

(Tagged: @teddy.lup)

teddy.lup I love you! sorry it toke me so long

louisW I appreciate the slight teddy slander in the caption

siriusly.james so do I get best man?? 

molly.dolly so excited for you two!!!

anastasia.w canmt wait!!

dom.dom ask I canmt belive you're getting married!!!

LilyPot yess teddy's kfficlat part of the family!!!

roxthebox YESSSSS, a wedding!!!!


okay wow it's been forever. If you didn't read the last chapter then you wouldn't know but i am doing a quick little time jump. currently we're in like late July to like early august, the time jump will be to early October. anyways bye NERDS


word count: 129

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