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"Nope, nope, I can't do it Rose." Hugo told his older sister. They were sitting on the floor, in her room. Today he would finally tell his parents. But his courage was fading.

"No Hugo, you can't back down now." Rose told him. It was true his whole plan was already set and ready to go. Hugo hugged his knees towards himself.

"What if, what if they don't accept me. What if they don't understand. What if they hate me. What i-"

"You need to stop stressing, think about how great it will be once they know. You said it yourself you can't tell more people until Mum and Dad know." Rose told him, she was using her softest, steadiest, and most convincing tone.

"Yeah your right it'll be fine. Mum and Dad have always been so understanding." Hugo joked.

"Exactly now come on it is family game night." Rose said and got up. Hugo followed her actions and they made their way downstairs where their parents were waiting for them.

"Okay so do you guys want to go with the muggle, wizard, or universally accepted games." Hermione said as soon as they all got settled in their living room.

"I wanna play Life" Rose said.

"That's a good idea"Hugo said.

"If thats what you want to play." Ron said.

"I'll go get it." Hermione asked.

After a few minutes Hermione comes back with the game life, they pick there cars and decide who's going first.

"3, only a 3." Ron said when he spun.

"Yes a three and you can't spin again, but do want go career path or college path." Rose said.

"It's simple Dad." Hugo said, feeling his nerves smooth out ever so slightly.

"Career." Ron said and finally moved his car three space down the career path.

"What about you Rose, career or college." Hermione asked.

"Hm college, definitely." Rose said. Hermione nodded in agreement.

"Well I'm going career." Hugo said, when it was his turn to spin, he got a 5, he moves 5 spaces but not before getting a career card.

"School isn't all that important Hermione, I didn't do my seventh year, and I'm an auror." Ron said.

"Ron! School is very important. I did finish my seventh year and I'm the minister of magic." Hermione said.

"Mums got a pint Dad." Rose said. Ron grumbled but didn't push the matter any further.

"7, that puts me at marriage." Hugo said after awhile and it was his turn to spin.

"Yup." Rose said.

"Here you are." Ron said, handing Hugo a pink little figure to join the car with Hugo'a little blue figure. Hugo stares at it for a few seconds before taking it and placing in it the the car.

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