Chapter 19 - Family Ties

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A/N: The writers block. Christ almighty, I sat here for a good few minutes straight thinking about how I wanted to continue this. Also, I am now very much aware that Ahsoka doesn't have ears. Got a surprising amount of people correcting me on it. lol. It's fine though. I appreciate that the corrections were done politely. Should've done more homework, but I'm not too broken up about it. Also, I'm amazed that two hundred people are following this story and almost as many people added it as a favorite. It's amazing for me. I appreciate the support.

Side Note: I also find myself short a computer at this time, so updates will definitely go slower than usual.

"Never thought you'd show up," Owen said, opening the door all the way.

"Neither did I. Where's your dad?" Anakin asked.

"He, uh... passed away sometime after Shmi did," Owen said, making Anakin nod solemnly.

"I'm sorry to hear that," he said.

"It's fine. For the time being, it's just been me and Beru," Owen said, gesturing to the woman who was sitting at the table. She turned and waved at Anakin, who waved back.

"The farm doing well?" Anakin asked.

"About as well as it can be without my dad and mom, I suppose. What about you? Things with the Jedi going well? Well, as well as they can be with a war going on," Owen asked as they sat down.

"I left. Had enough," Anakin said.

"Why? What happened?" Owen asked.

"I started thinking about everything that's happened since I became a Jedi. The things I've seen and the things that I've been put through. It all came full circle once they drove Ahsoka away," Anakin told him.

"Friend of yours?" Owen questioned.

"Definitely. The two of us have been through just about everything together. I couldn't really imagine going through the war without her help. It takes you a good bit to realize it, but war wears on you for so long," Anakin said, leaning forward as he rubbed his temples. Owen put a hand on the shoulder of his step brother. There was something in his eyes that he hadn't even seen in his father's eyes, who was more than a decade his senior when he was alive. There was something more... permanent.

"Then I would say you made the right choice then," Owen said, his tone soft. "Well, where is this Ahsoka now? Surprised she didn't come with you."

"Here," Ahsoka said, her head peeking out of the door. "Er... didn't quite mean to intrude, but..."

"Snips, it's fine. Come in," Anakin said, gesturing her to come forward. Ahsoka slowly walked in, looking around the place.

"Nice place you got here. Certainly better than the dump we're living in," she said.

"You know, if you want you two could stay here," Owen offered.

"Thanks for the offer, but no. If the Jedi come back looking for me for some strange reason, I don't want them interrogating you," Anakin said.

"Why would they be looking for you? I mean, you left. That should be it," Owen said.

"You would think that, but since Anakin has the whole 'Chosen One' thing going on, they're making an exception," Ahsoka said, her tone distasteful.

"That sounds troublesome to say the least," Beru suddenly said, walking over from the kitchen as she was wiping her hands with a rag.

"Troublesome is the story of my life," Anakin said as he lifted his primary saber off his belt with the Force and let it float in front of his face. The eyes of both Owen and Beru followed it as it slowly rotated in midair. "But I'm done with their rules. I want to live my own life. Make my own decisions."

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